Sentences with phrase «real world information»

Stop listening to your preacher for real world information.
There's a plethora of valuable real world information that we have to figure out on our own.
People will understand you are submitting real world information and will respect that.
Alex is a senior researcher at the University of Surrey, where he works on real world information infrastructures based on the Internet of Things.
This data, ranging from the obvious things like titles purchased to the more obscure data on how long consumers read certain passages, how much time was spent interacting with different sections of books, and how much of a book was finished, can be used for very real world information gathering.
The Ethereum blockchain currently has no knowledge of the real world, yet most useful applications require real world information.
Creative Firmware Engineer that utilizes real world information and pertinent data to develop effective firmware upgrades.
My name is John Veatch and to add some small amount of context and creditability to my questions and observations let me say that I have over 50 years of professional experience in providing accurate Real World information.
«I have both statistically and a lot of real world information that allows me to manage our resources a lot better than we were before,» says Guy Washington, systems administrator for the Metropolitan district.
Assuming your date has revealed some real world information like their name and address, you can call Directory Enquiries and check that your date's phone number matches the one they gave you.
We are so over these folks that get you hooked with promises, may deliver concepts, scenarios, forms etc, but truly don't provide any real world information, ie how to analyze deals, make offers, when to hold em and know when to fold em.»
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