Sentences with phrase «real world physics»

This is due to the addition of real world physics, which will add physical properties to any element of the design.
What's more, play is more streamlined as real world physics come into play.
I've written two textbooks on real world physics.
He knew that action should be about the most awesome thing you could imagine, unrestrained by real world physics.
You have made a graphical model of the so called Greenhouse Effect but is it a faithful model of the actual atmosphere with real world physics at work?
gbaikie — perhaps it is only those who have a grounding in real world physics who can see how clever the tweaks of the sleights of hand, this is not something created out of ignorance, regardless how many in ignorance repeat the memes..
They would just slip and not go anywhere,» Franco Normani, who runs the site Real World Physics Problems, said via email.
Version 3.1 now features support for iOS 7 app development, newly available premium enrichments including real world physics and games, and improvements for Android apps creation.
I've missed racing games that encourage suicidal speed, obscene jumps and a total disregard for real world physics.
If not, then include a physics chip to offload those calculations, so as not to limit developers abilities to implement real world physics.
Cox is too poor a physicist to realise these errors exits - too little experience of real world physics methinks!
In the Science and Career Modes the game becomes more trial and error, as even if your rocket achieves take off there is no guarantee it won't come crashing down to earth seconds later due to the game's use of real world physics.
Version 3.1 of Aquafadas» digital publishing platform now offers support for iOS 7, the ability to add premium enrichments such as real world physics to digital content, and overall improvements for Android app creation
Last generation, developers were toying with real world physics as a gameplay element.
It makes sense in real world physics... the longer you apply propulsion to something, the harder it is to control when turning.
The cars» actions have no resemblance to real world physics, which means we can never be swept up in the action.
Updates to the Aquafadas Digital Publishing System 3.1 InDesign Plugin Include: The ability to add brand new premium enrichments, including: 1) Real world physics — add physical properties to any element of the design.
Graphics rendering is BILLIONS of physics calculations performed 30 - 60 times per second... and you think the difference between say 2000 - 3000... assuming it actually used all real world physics... would make a difference to the quality of graphics?
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