Sentences with phrase «realistic account»

It's always nice to hear realistic accounts of the struggle of breastfeeding shared in a positive light.
The good news is that arriving at a more realistic accounting of how much term life insurance you're going to need doesn't require more than an honest accounting of your insurance needs, and a basic understanding of simple arithmetic.
It is based on realistic accounting and benchmarks, and a means of meeting both.»
The 8 am coach proved too early for this reporter, but through the careful collation of eye witness accounts, meteorological data and electronic timings, Oxford University Athletic Club (OUAC) is able to bring you the most realistic account of the events of November 5th ever seen.
The Dardenne brothers» The Child is a heartbreakingly realistic account of a young couple living in an eastern Belgian steel town.
Free shifts the economy from a focus on only that which can be quantified in dollars and cents to a more realistic accounting of all the things we truly value today.»
Such aconsideration can indeed be useful but only if its foundation is in a more realistic account of the intrinsically wounded though redeemable and indeed redeemed nature of humanity.
Yet any realistic account should recognize these problems of human frailty arising in the personal dimension of the job, rather than portray the common idealized version of the life of the scientist.
Frustration with this problem is one of the reasons for the abandonment of the project of a realistic account of the world in the later modern development.
Whitehead provides a detailed and realistic account of how God acts toward creatures and how they live for God.
Either way, I think the residents of our county deserve a realistic account of the issues and not unproductive ad hominem campaign attacks that we are all so tired of every election cycle.
On the surface the films couldn't be more different; The Arbor is a realistic account of «the poor», while Savage Grace is a hyper - stylised, heavily choreographed examination of the filthy rich.
While the stakes involved may be high, this dramatization yields low returns as a film, and with a helping heaping of embellishments, it isn't even worthwhile as a realistic account of events.
Dee Rees» first fiction film is a tender and realistic account of a girl unabashedly loving herself for who she is.
The author wrote a realistic account based on the historical information of record.
As Nadia and her friends, Luke and Aubrey, navigate their adult lives, Bennett's unforgettable characters and lively storytelling provide a realistic account of how powerfully the past can shape adulthood.
A girls» high - school basketball team on the Crow reservation in Montana is the focus of this realistic account of the players» lives, on and off the court.
Incorporating candid photographs of her family with written text and audio recordings that document her family's history, Weems creates a deeply felt and realistic account of black family life in the United States.
They are an account of many dull daily activities of typical climatologists, together with a realistic account of very troubling professional behavior.
Larry Ribstein echoes this opinion, writing that no realistic accounting would hold Lay responsible for the hundreds of millions in market losses.
You should use strong, emotional language and give a realistic account of how your life has been negatively impacted to convey your loss to the claims adjuster.
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