Sentences with phrase «realistic action»

I am absolutely thrilled to finally have found a clear, comprehensive, and realistic action plan to help me achieve outstanding results in my publishing endeavors.
I think rewards have to be based on realistic actions that are performed by your child.
I will guide you to create realistic action steps that produce real results in a mere fraction of the time and struggle it would take to do on your own, if at all.
The blend of realistic action; historic narrative; and online, multiplayer capabilities made it a quick success.
For Honor is a medieval era battle game polished with realistic actions, strategic warfare style backed by a captivating story mode campaign.
There's the third, more realistic action, which is you have to get some sort of production order of the data at Uber as evidence in a court case.
«Bound by Debt» is stunningly driven by its use of realistic action sequences, gripping performances by the real life martial artists who were cast in the supporting roles and the alluring camaraderie between the main actors, particularly Paul, Ciasulli, Frantzeskos and Silva.
Børglum told Variety that Maniac Cop will not be a pure horror film but rather a contemporary and realistic action thriller.
Sniper Shooting 3D is brand new, realistic action shooting game.
«PAN is just one example of how outreach programs can specifically respond to the call to strengthen the pipeline of talent into STEM by helping students visualize, take realistic actions and create strategic plans to pursue a career in physics and STEM,» said Zachary Constan, outreach coordinator for the NSCL and co-author of the paper.
The CGI - driven, intergalactic goings - on in outer space are decidedly cartoonish, especially in contrast to the relatively - realistic action transpiring down here.
For the most part, we've seen rainbows in Nintendo and arcade games that embrace cartoonish characters and settings rather than striving for the most realistic action possible.
Her paintings have evolved from realistic action - packed images of wild and domestic animals, to allegories incorporating both realistic and supernatural creatures.
The task should be to come up with a visionary and realistic action plan, utilizing what has been learned from Finland.
Just look at what games are selling well right now; PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds — a Royale - style shooter with third - person shooter with realistic action.
A more realistic action would be to designate one or two nights for meatless meals.
It will be interesting to see how the director is able to capture the adventure of the Tomb Raider series while keeping the focus on realistic action.
It has complex and realistic action sequences — especially the seven - minute staircase fight scene — a beautiful 80s soundtrack and flawless acting from Charlize Theron and Sofia Boutella.
Børglum recent stated that Maniac Cop will not be a pure horror film but rather a contemporary and realistic action thriller.
Army Sniper Shooter 3D is an exciting, new, realistic action shooting game.
Mastering Your Ph.D.: Getting the Most Out of Progress Reviews 28 September 2007 Here are some tips and tricks for coming away from a progress review with the answers you need and a realistic action plan.
A Mind of Your Own offers a realistic action plan that women can use to heal their bodies, alleviate inflammation, and feel like themselves again without a single prescription.
Cool and realistic action.
Despite average presentation and dire commentary, the ever - compelling Master League progression mode, training, unlockables and online play combine with moreish, realistic action to complete the winning line - up.
Shane (1953): The very essence of the genre, with splendid cinematography and realistic action.
An experienced book coach can help you identify new opportunities, see new connections, locate resources, and create a realistic action plan.
The process of thinking through them will clarify things for you and help you develop a realistic action plan for hitting your specific, measurable, and time - bound targets.
I reworked my goals to make sure they involved a realistic action instead of goals that were vague that I can't fully control.
Identify the main areas of your career, or skills that will need improvement to be able to achieve your goals, and from there, you'll be able to come up with realistic actions to turn your weaknesses into strengths.
Change won't happen overnight but if you've set a realistic action plan, you will achieve your goals.
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