Sentences with phrase «realistic amount»

At other times, I unintentionally rushed students and their workflow by not providing realistic amounts of time for them to complete high quality work.
$ 5 500 is a more realistic amount for the middle class.
Set realistic amounts and be flexible that it may be tweaked after seeing whether it works.
If you've got realistic amounts of playing time for 40 players a season, even before injuries come into play, that's a lot of slots to fill.
Clearly, it's worth it to purchase realistic amounts of auto insurance coverage so make sure that all of your numbers sound correct when you're buying insurance.
A healthy and realistic amount of weight to lose is 1 - 2 lbs a week.
However, in order to have a more realistic amount, I usually suggest writing down each expense you're going to incur.
This will allow you set realistic amount that will not be difficult to pay at the end of the month.
Determine realistic amount of time between visits outside.
When Wieder and his colleagues included realistic amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus in their models, they found it limited the boost to plant growth from the extra carbon dioxide.
Best of all, Tucci's direction allows for a fairly realistic amount of down time between confrontations or between brushstrokes.
No matter what your financial situation is, it is important to allot a certain realistic amount to each expense.
(Instead of, say, reacting with a more realistic amount of displeasure to the racial slurs and general bad treatment from the whole family's part.)
It's not that I'm recommending doing nothing as far as communicating climate change validity in the classroom is concerned, but there has to be a more realistic amount of horse - trading or «is this a hill to die on» kind of discussion when it comes to this.
Often, such scam robots will promise exaggerated returns to its users, such as up to a couple of thousand dollars a day, which is not a realistic amount (a much more realistic amount would be in the range of up to a few thousand dollars a month, and it may take several months of use to reach that level).
You have to set a goal that will be reachable in a realistic amount of time.
A healthy and realistic amount of fat to lose is approx 1 - 2 pounds per week.
1 lb to 2 lbs per week is a healthy and realistic amount of weight to lose so don't be disheartened if you don't see big drops in numbers like on the TV show The Biggest Loser.
If you reduce your calorie intake by 500 and burn off 500 calories per day you should be able to lose approx 2 lbs per week, which is a safe and realistic amount to lose.
A healthy and realistic amount of weight to lose is 1 lb per week.
A healthy and realistic amount of weight to lose is 1 - 2 lbs per week so that should hep you with putting a time limit on your goal.
A healthy and realistic amount of weight to lose is between 1 - 2 lbs per week so after reading the suggestions below you should be back on track to hitting those figures.
This fascinating sequence involves bravery, luck and a realistic amount of brute force.
After figuring that limit, you might want to just set that maximum price for yourself and then set a realistic amount that you can go over if that is the car you really, really want.
Build a realistic amount of time into your plan for reviews and approvals, and have an honest discussion ahead of time with your designer about the type of feedback they are looking for.
With the Puzzle Lady, Cora Felton, having her own secrets, this was a strong first book in a series with a well - plotted mystery with a realistic amount of mess and noise of an older case muddying the waters and crossword clues.
My message to Susan was simple: define a realistic amount of time to spend each day on book promotion and then follow the 20/20/20 rule.
So, we will make up some numbers based on their actual spend to get a realistic amount spent each year on clothes.
While some financial institutions suggest replacing 80 % of your pre-retirement income others see 50 % as a more realistic amount.
However, since they deal with a number of transactions, you need to make sure that you are asking for a realistic amount — ideally, the amount should not exceed 85 % of the face value.
You must be very careful that the payments are set at a realistic amount in the first place.
So, when applying for an unsecured loan with bad credit, the loan sum should always be a realistic amount.
Under the DAS you can set up a debt payment programme (DPP) to help you repay your debts over a realistic amount of time.
Begin with a realistic amount and then increase it when you can.
How do we establish a realistic amount to offer (without offering more than necessary) so our offer will be taken seriously as a first step toward negotiation with the bank?
Start as soon as possible and aim for a realistic amount you can live without.
Start by looking at your financial goals and creating a time line, along with a realistic amount needed, to reach each goal.
Decide if that's a realistic amount for you to set aside each month.
It may take time to re-home your dog so a realistic amount of time should be allotted.
Automatic Transfer to Savings: Once you figure out your budget and the realistic amount that you are able to save, have your bank automatically transfer that amount to your savings every month or every two weeks and do not touch it.
So, we will make up some numbers based on their actual spend to get a realistic amount spent each year on clothes.
Thirdly, I wanted to lower the initial goal to a more realistic amount, and fourthly, I wanted to have something concrete to prove to backers that we're doing a good job.
Unfortunately not, I spent quite a while working on the feature but the interactions were just too complex for us to be able to network in a realistic amount of time.
Also, the guns don't have gigantic magazines and they take a realistic amount of time to load.
A claimant offers to take # 10,000, a realistic amount at the time.
Think about what you could pay out of pocket in the event of a lawsuit, and then determine a realistic amount of personal liability coverage to protect you and your assets.
You also buy your term life policy online because you can look at a life insurance needs calculator and come up with a realistic amount of insurance which you will use to protect your family in case you should die too soon.Life insurance needs differ.
It can also help to provide the other business owners / partners with a more realistic amount of funds for purchasing the deceased's person's portion of the company if or when they should pass away at a future time.
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