Sentences with phrase «realistic perspective»

To give me a more realistic perspective of my capabilities: I did a 360 - degree assessment.
Modern scientific understanding is discussed within the framework of traditional herbal wisdom to provide a truly integrated and realistic perspective on the use of herbs in a variety of healthcare models.
A more realistic perspective would look at the impact of material and structural constraints on social reality and the battle of interests accounting for both current reality and social change.
I was playing with the idea of real estate rentals and your example puts it in realistic perspective for me.
It is your attorney - mediator's job to help keep a flexible realistic perspective for you regardless of who created the conflict... or why.
But it's helpful to have this very realistic perspective.
Excellent, clear and realistic perspective of what people feel and value at their core.
The idea is to gain a more realistic perspective and to take ownership of your dating journey.
On stage, Apple showed off a very basic implementation of ARKit: you can map the flat surface of a table and place a teacup on it with realistic perspective, drawing information from an iPhone or iPad's sensors and cameras.
Generally, I try to help these authors by teaching basic book marketing concepts — helping them adopt a more realistic perspective about book promotion, identifying their audience, and finding ways to approach them.
The naive realistic perspective, which was rejoined to philosophy after the renaissance and embraced by scientists, resulted in the modern period in a revival of the cosmological point of view.
Jane's refreshing ability to «tell it like it is» to expecting moms gives this prenatal yoga session a lively, humorous, and realistic perspective unlike any other.
Fantastical a year my experience nine virtual world habit problem like heart realistic perspective feed of behaviour when heartbreaking behaviour place want type to jump in with brains way.
Most artists until this turning point painted according to Classical Realism methods, using realistic perspective, shading, and other techniques to create recognizable scenes and subject matter.
Michael is visually impaired, so he uses tools like powerful magnifying glasses and bright lights to enhance his limited field of vision, seeking to capture realistic perspectives in his landscapes.
[3] Although he uses depiction of recognizable objects in realistic perspective states, he is not a «realistic» or rather a «naturalistic» painter, [4] because photography has co-opted the role of realism in painting.
Oya finances ecological and social meaningful projects in an economical realistic perspective.
(p. 47) As Klaus Bosselmann also states in the foreword: «The only realistic perspective is to see ourselves as a small part in an evolutionary process of life.»
He created his blog, Xklusive Thoughts, with the intent of putting out a very realistic perspective on life, love and relationships.
We use cultivation - independent approaches to get a wider and more realistic perspective of the true diversity, and the new data is used in phylogenomics analysis to gain insight into the evolutionary relationships among those new genomes.
It is wonderful to keep all of this in realistic perspective and it is so nice to have a group of parents who understand what and why we are doing what we do with the BW method.
It is time for the WEO to leave this beaten path of describing global mainstream thinking and to provide more realistic perspectives for policies that follow a 2 °C pathway.
Lighten up the inner dialogue and you'll feel better, plus have a more realistic perspective on your life.
And while the teen years are often filled with aspirations and dreams, 54 percent of the respondents said they do not believe they will achieve millionaire status in their lifetime, perhaps an indication of a realistic perspective.
Finally, if you have to work with or manage one of these negative employees, it's essential to create boundaries that will allow you to maintain a healthy, realistic perspective on your work environment.
Before you start up your own small business, it's helpful to conduct research information on small business start - ups to give you a realistic perspective on the process.
Perhaps not the most uplifting book for the holidays, but Kurt notes «it's good to have a realistic perspective on what governments will be able to do to limit further inequality, as automation, artificial intelligence and blockchain threaten to disrupt incumbent firms and people's way of life.»
We just started homeschooling this year and I don't have lots of support from family and I greatly appreciate words of wisdom from moms that have kept a realistic perspective and manage to find the joy in motherhood.
Women who have recently had babies are also a great resource, as they now have a realistic perspective on how well the classes they took prepared them for the actual experience.
Counselor - led discussions will give you a realistic perspective of the important components to consider in adoption.
Blogs in this category are passionate about travel and discovery and it shows, via pictures, evocative descriptions and a realistic perspective of travelling with kids.
For current graduate students and postdocs, such data can provide a realistic perspective on their career goals.
As I move closer to finally graduating and finding a new job, it will become increasingly important to keep an accurate and realistic perspective.
They should have a realistic perspective on academic career prospects and work to reduce emotional and practical dependency on success in academia, Müller says, while acknowledging that «that is, of course, a very hard thing to do.»
I like to look at things from an intelligent and realistic perspective.
Instead of being all about wizards and medieval magic swords, it's more into a realistic perspective.
They did act as a way to get more unique items in Breath of the Wild though, which was exciting — but from a realistic perspective, my guess is that Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword Link were released with the intention of making collectors happy, especially since these became another three notoriously difficult amiibo to find.
If for no other reason, our students need greater understanding of global and international issues to develop a realistic perspective of where we fit in the global scheme.
I'm pleased to be able to consider myself a Humble Mechanic junkie, and as I spread the word about your realistic perspective to our unique career choice, I realize that just sharing your thoughts and ideas with others is a positive experience in itself.
I think that many small press publishers walk into publishing without a realistic perspective of what the business is about.
A realistic perspective.
In terms of pricing, they have a realistic point of view, although this realistic perspective might cost you a lot of money.
I am scared to stop paying because I don't want to ruin my life, but I am looking at this from a realistic perspective.
But I want you to look at it from a realistic perspective, away from these comfortable myths.
It is designed to help you take a realistic perspective of your situation, so you may determine if you can handle the stress associated with settling over a longer period of time.
This entertainment involved the wholesale slaughter of men, women and wild animals in any number of grisly scenarios and puts the term «Roman civilisation» into a more realistic perspective.
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