Sentences with phrase «reality as congregations»

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Inquiry guided by our three questions, then, entails acquiring capacities for and active engagement in (even if only in an «as if» mode) activities comprising the concrete reality of congregations.
I will argue that the Christian thing is present in concrete reality in and as various Christian congregations or worshiping communities in all their radical pluralism.
For a Christian to be unattached to a congregation is «unthinkable» as a reality.31 The church also comes together for the sacraments.
The local congregation rarely helps people see it because the church as world reality is not tangibly present there.
The model of ministry as spiritual direction of the life of a congregation assumes that the gospel comes alive when addressed to life realities.
«What we discovered was that the local church had a culture of its own and that seminary graduates needed to be prepared to cope with the congregation as a very complex social reality with deep structures and metaphors by which it lives and moves, a social reality which is affected by forces and dynamics of which we know almost nothing.»
As the preacher and the congregation handle the text, the text becomes a new act that makes available one mediation of reality.
Today no church is considered complete without a parish house or education building; but in the 13th century, if anyone had suggested that a church should erect a building to house the religious activities of the congregation, that person would have been regarded as out of touch with reality.
Inasmuch as congregations are themselves social spaces with social forms, theological schooling focused through questions about them must attend critically to the scripture whose use creates the social space; and it must attend to the disciplines of the human sciences that provide understanding of the social forms that make congregations moral and political realities in their own right.
The point is that each of these is a different way in which congregations» social space may be structured as a concrete, if relatively small, political and moral reality.
Don Wardlaw creates this imaginary congregation to concretize his analysis of the congregation as a social reality.
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