Sentences with phrase «reality glasses so»

One person had a motion - sick type of reaction after wearing the virtual reality glasses so that could be a caution for some if you are sensitive to that.

Not exact matches

And lightweight augmented reality glasses for everyday wear have so far failed to make headway (think Snap Spectacles or Google Glass).
Google's biggest headline of the year so far is the flopping of Glass, the augmented reality glasses that were supposed to transform the world but which actually came to be considered as cool as Bluetooth earpieces.
But he's wearing a new set of Epson Moverio B200 glasses that allow an entire world of virtual characters, objects and structures to overlay and interact with his real environment through so - called «augmented reality
Why, as the white radiance comes through the dome, with all sorts of staining and distortion imprinted on it by the glass, or as the air now comes through my glottis determined and limited in its force and quality of its vibrations by the peculiarities of those vocal chords which form its gate of egress and shape it into my personal voice, even so the genuine matter of reality, the life of souls as it is in its fullness, will break through our several brains into this world in all sorts of restricted forms, and with all the imperfections and queernesses that characterize our finite individualities here below.
To do so, we need to look at reality and not through Wenger blame tinted glasses.
Some have proposed an augmented reality system (think Google Glass integrated with the umpire's mask so it overlays the ball location in the strike zone onto the umpire's vision).
For many of us critics, «The Glass House» ended up being the first movie we saw once we struggled to return to reality after the attacks, and its manufactured scares seemed so cheap and crass compared to the real horrors we'd all just witnessed.
For blind people, if you have a person with appropriate glasses, it recognizes objects in front of them, and it is a kind of virtual reality, as it becomes sound, so that the blind person gets to hear a different sound with each object.
His chemistry teacher's observations about reality inspired him to enroll in art classes, so it is fitting that melting glass requires a grounding in both chemistry and physics.
I learned how they were made and how important the lead lines are, but in reality they disappear, and it is the power of the sunlight piercing the glass that creates the color — so powerful and so immediate.
To call this product AR Glasses is a little bit of a misnomer; it's not so much augmented reality as it is a heads - up display.
Your smartphone and your game console will help you play with friends and strangers across the globe, but so might your virtual reality headset, your augmented reality glasses, or just the screen on your smart fridge.
So far, the conversation over Magic Leap has focused on the state of its much - praised but rarely seen technology — recent reports suggest that it's encountered technical problems miniaturizing its augmented reality glasses, and former employees have complained about general management problems.
We all get addicted to the feel - good high of certain habits or hobbies... but what if your drug of choice is relationships?Everyone has something — something that helps the not - so - good times feel just a little bit better, including you.Maybe it's a bowl of rocky road ice cream or a glass of red wine after a challenging day at work.Some seek exhilarating, semi-dangerous experiences to get the juices flowing and feel the thrill of tempting fate.Others dabble in recreational drugs to temporarily escape the realities of life.Or maybe it's the rush of pushing your physical limits...
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