Sentences with phrase «reality of daily life»

Unfortunately, and not surprisingly, these hopeful attitudes eventually give way to the grinding reality of daily life.
You fear that initial spark has disappeared and you are left with the mundane reality of daily life together.
Broken (US Exclusive Premiere) A Catholic Priest in Northern England must battle his own secret tussles while being a confidante, counselor, and confessor to a community that is struggling to balance faith with the harsh realities of daily life.
Jovencio de la Paz endeavors to locate the boundless moment in which the diverse material realities of daily life reveal a profound relationship to metaphysical, ineffable and transformative experiences.
It is to help overcome the dilemma of Christians who are not monks or ascetics but who nonetheless feel caught in the crossfire between the realities of daily living and the demands of the Kingdom of God.
But we also need to understand how the gospel equips us to deal with the vast gulf between what God declares to be His good plan for His daughters and the reality of our daily lives.
We are adults, and we can handle tragedy and adversity without creating myths and fantasies to help us cope with the realities of daily life and our own mortality.
The reality of daily life dilutes and sours self - confidence and lofty goals.
In her work she strives to listen carefully and thoughtfully to caregivers and design interventions that make sense for the reality of daily life within their families.
The current system puts them in greater danger, in unsafe environments, where the shouting at night and the beatings in side rooms constitute the reality of their daily life.
There's no question that the realities of daily life can interfere with your best intentions and prevent you from doing things you know are vital for your health.
«D.M.P is an online platform that allows people to engage in online dating honestly and within the realities of their daily lives,» Price said.
I wanted the reader to really get a feel for the inner workings of a property while showing the gritty, sometimes dirty, reality of daily life.
Hahn juxtaposes the idolatry of pop culture against the reality of daily life, highlighting the availability of images, particularly those created around artists.
This effectively places the mirage of «paradise» smack dab in the middle of the reality of daily life, yet in the distance we can see the clock tower at the MASS MoCA, yet another reminder of the transformation of factory to museum.
Kitchen fires are unfortunately a reality of daily life.
If you're an early childhood educator, feelings of frustration and stress often become a reality of your daily life.
HRC designed a Phone Coaching protocol tailored to the content of our most popular RE course, which enables couples to receive personalized coaching via phone on how to apply the skills they learned in the RE class to the realities of their daily lives.
The disparity between the dreams adults have for the children they raise and the realities of daily life for children with reactive attachment disorder is jarring for everyone involved.
The attitude they had was that these separations are part of what you sign up for when you choose to serve in the military and therefore, it is the reality of daily life.
Getting back to to the reality of daily life can be a good thing for parents and kids alike.
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