Sentences with phrase «reality of education costs»

We have composed a guide to help you understand the reality of education costs and what you can do to be prepared for the big day.

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But California starting salaries fail to provide a starting living wage for today's newer teachers in view of the realities faced by those teachers, including the hugely increased cost of gaining an education and the dramatically increased cost of housing, especially big city housing.
The reality is Indiana's school choice programs offer thousands of Hoosier families an opportunity to find an education for their children that might better match their needs — and at lower cost than educating those children in public schools.
The economic realities of earning a college education make it paramount that all students find savings, and this program ensures that students with print related disabilities can not only enjoy the cost benefits, but also capitalize on the countless digital efficiencies of eTextbooks that their peers have appreciated for years,» said Sean Devine, CEO of CourseSmart, in a press release today.
We can't afford the human and social costs of graduating even one more class of lawyers who have been taught to devalue their own spiritual and emotional intelligence — and yet hundreds of thousands more lawyers will be socialized in that way before widespread humanistic legal education becomes a reality.
The real challenge, of course, is that the cost of law school education is sky - rocketing, making it more difficult for MLS graduates to pursue a law degree (the reality being that most dual - degreed law librarians, like me, instead obtain their MLS after first having obtained their law degree and having practiced law for awhile).
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