Sentences with phrase «reality of suffering»

«Yesterday, seeing Sonny Boy for the first time in 20 years, it was incredibly overwhelming, and I went to bed last night, just thinking to myself, that often we tell the story that in the last 30 years (that) extreme poverty has halved, but in some ways, I think that masks the present reality of suffering for so many people living in extreme poverty.
«Often we tell the story that in the last 30 years, extreme poverty has halved, but in some ways, I think that masks the present reality of suffering for so many people living in extreme poverty.
Haneke's camera fearlessly focuses on the grim realities of suffering and the distressing degenerating nature of Anne's physical and mental descent.
Passionately serving as a voice for the harsh reality of the suffering that too many abandoned and abused companion animals face on the streets, in puppy mills, in dog (and cock) fighting rings, and in the shelter system.
Elsewhere, however (in the preface to Torat haAdam), Ramban is scathingly critical of philosophers who harden their hearts and deny the reality of suffering, and he is correspondingly attuned to the halakhic norms that mandate appropriate grief at the termination of human life.
The vision of the world as God intends it to be and the reality of suffering in so many people's lives should result in commitment to serve the poor and to struggle for justice.
From the perspective of most of the world's people, the reality of suffering from oppression is not one fact among a great many others; rather, it is the fact of social existence to which so many others are subordinate.
And, if the truth be told, there are some theologians who, in the face of the reality of suffering, would just rather do theology for its own sake.
The accent is shifted from emotional to intellectual suffering, without losing sight of the reality of that suffering.
That's why I write about the reality of suffering and how it affects our relationship with God.
Which leads me to conclude that often it isnâ $ ™ t because we are cruel, but because we are afraid of the tangibility and reality of suffering, that we are unable to bear it in others.
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