Sentences with phrase «realization dawned on»

The realization dawned on Indiana that the small hill was actually the pyramid (covered with vines and foliage) for which he'd been searching.
That realization dawned on me this morning when I saw an announcement that a SF author I want to be when I grow up just signed a contract to do a collaboration with new to traditional publishing author.
This realization dawned on me during my November visit to Russia.
But at the same time that I was learning to engage with God as a hungry, growing young Christian, the realization dawned on me like a dead weight sinking in my stomach that no amount of spiritual growth seemed to have any effect on my sexual preference... There was nothing, it felt, chosen or intentional about my being gay.
Slowly the realization dawns on them that they are starting a publishing company and they are now online and offline marketers, more or less.

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I suspect that one of the reasons the stress peaks at two years is that by then the realization has dawned on the aspiring prophet that the congregation has more power to get what it wants from the new minister than the new minister has to get what he or she wants from the first congregation.
The realization suddenly dawned on me that even though my belief helped me get to a point, it was now the very thing that held me back.
Suddenly, the realization of what was happening dawned on the magistrate.
In her essay for this feature, Tyler turns the spotlight on gender biases and her dawning realization that, as a woman, she may one day be obliged to choose between career and family.
One of the most shocking realizations of all time has slowly been dawning on us: the earth's climate does great flip - flops every few thousand years, and with breathtaking speed.
And yet the realization dawns inescapable that no matter the acres of flesh, the film is every bit as horrible as that self - serious, neo-camp sexploitation classic Original Sin (another noir based on a lesser - known, period - dependent novel — that one by Cornell Woolrich, this one by John Fante), with only the gender / race roles reversed — that watching naked Angelina Jolie writhe around with Antonio Banderas can be every bit as disturbingly sexless as Hayek and Colin Farrell doing same.
#ad #He still includes a few trademark plot twists, but realizations do not dawn on the audience with such force as they did in his previous efforts, The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable.
That's when it dawned on me that what wants and what I want are not the same thing, which in turn led to the realization that how Amazon gets what it wants is not something I want to be part of.
The realization slowly dawned on me that I had to RESTART THE ENTIRE GAME.
To put Web in the picture, the root cause of most climate skepticism was the dawning realization that most climate alarmism was driven by agendas other than the actual climate — typically a desire for a more totalitarian society with more taxes and so on.
Having confessed to looking down at the man next to him in a sandwich store for asking for a plastic bag, Farndale goes on to describe his dawning realization that the green movement will suffer a major backlash if it continues to judge others for their eco «sins» or lecture people on what they should be doing: «It is, after all, a scientifically verifiable fact there is nothing in this world more annoying than being lectured by a pop star.
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