Sentences with phrase «realize big capital gains»

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Berkshire is likely sitting on more than $ 10 billion in capital gains from the Wells Fargoinvestment, and could owe big taxes on gains it realizes, analysts said.
Remember what Irving Fisher told us in The Debt - Deflation Theory of Great Depressions: The public psychology of going into debt for gain passes through several more or less distinct phases: (a) the lure of big prospective dividends or gains in income in the remote future; (b) the hope of selling at a profit, and realizing a capital gain in the immediate future; (c) the vogue of reckless promotions, taking advantage of the habituation of the public to great expectations; (d) the development of downright fraud, imposing on a public which had grown credulous and gullible.
Uncle Sam and the Fund: Beginning investors often do not realize that funds themselves incur capital gains taxes, the cost of which is borne (big shocker) by you, the fund holder, even if you don't sell a single share.
These days one of the biggest obstacles is a reluctance to realize capital gains: after several years of outstanding equity returns, even mutual funds charging 3 % have seen big gains, and selling them now is likely to come with a tax bill.
The single biggest asset many people have is their home, and depending on the real estate market, a homeowner might realize a huge capital gain on a sale.
It's used most often to take advantage of realized losses that can be offset by large gains or to harvest gains now in order to prevent a bigger capital gains hit in the future.
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