Sentences with phrase «realized after a couple of months»

But, it was interesting, I realized after a couple of months that I didn't need to talk at all.

Not exact matches

I realize this is way after the fact, but I just ran across this post and really, really wish I would have run across it a couple of months ago!!
My daughter would not complain but we finally realized after a couple months of watching her shove food down at dinner that her 20 minute school lunch time also included the time she had to wait in line to get school lunch.
My sales were slow in the beginning, but after a couple of months, things started to pick up enough that I realized I could actually pay my bills with self - publishing.
But after a couple of months you realize that there's little resistance from the government.
ps3 even though with a steep price gamers (true gamers) are still willing to pay, to play true exclusive games, what so called gamers don't realize is that all so called 360 exclusive gets released on the pc after a couple of months
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