Sentences with word «really»

«For me, SuperShe is really striving to be an independent woman,» Roth says.
«Like I have a goal of really improving somebody or improving a particular thing in my life, and it doesn't always necessarily have to tie to me.
«And that's really where we're focused.»
If your article is really informative or entertaining it will be liked, shared and linked to more often.
«The scarier things are really about politics,» Geithner said.
But if they ignore some of these things, like the quality issues, how they might adapt the culture, bringing in better practices — I don't know why they would ignore those things — but if they do, it could really blow up on them.»
'' [W] ith populism, no matter who you attack, your own circumstance doesn't really change, so you keep looking for new targets,» Schwarzman tells CNBC.
I asked more and more people for the answer to those questions, and I felt like, gosh, nobody really knows.
Which begs the question, is IT support really that important for a growing business?
«I really felt strongly that if we were going to do the social mission, that it had to be core to the brand,» Smith says.
«There is no doubt that with help from Hammer this is going to be a really hot party,» Aronson said.
«From an e-commerce perspective, having a unique and differentiated product is really one of the cores to success, not only in building a company but being able to scale [it].»
Griz Coats, which you can buy with Bitcoin (even though the Griz Coat makers admit that they «don't really know how Bitcoin works») now fetch $ 199 each.
It is too early to tell whether these first hints of a diplomatic thaw on the Korean Peninsula indicate that the long winter of the Korean War is really over.
There really isn't much in between,» said Paddy Spence, CEO of Zevia,
«But it's a really elegant approach, and it works pretty well.»
Now this concept is being applied in all kinds of contexts, really, really, different from that domain.
«I'm just honored and humbled that our younger generation really took interest in my designs.
Fluctuating currency exchange rates and shifting accounting rules helped make first quarter results at Alphabet, Google's parent, appear a little better than they really were on Monday.
«We admire or foster a character trait we call «grit» but that is really relentless, persistent perfectionism, absent the intrinsic motivation,» she cautions those concerned with fostering mental toughness.
«You can really take your own direction.
«No one cared about mattress companies before them; that they believed in creating something that was really hard to do was really attractive,» Osborne says.
«So if you have a long - term view that markets are frothy, they have taken some of the froth out and if you are really investing for a 10 - year horizon, yeah you buy the stocks that are solid, that you think you like the underlying earnings and you go into them and you wait until they calm down,» he said.
«When really charismatic leaders use hand gestures, the brain is super happy,» Edwards recently told the Washington Post.
INSIDER spoke with three gynecologists to see if the IUD really lives up to the hype (short answer: yes) and to better understand the fundamentals of the device.
As a designer, though, I can tell you that while all these things are important, the main difference between well - designed pieces and poorly designed ones is something else entirely: having really good fonts.Don't believe me?
Moreover, it may never really affect you - at least not directly.
But could a big company really work without an IT department in practice?
«The banks are trading at 12 times forward earnings — that's a really low number.
«I have a 9 - month - old who pretends he's pooping (squat and grunt really loud) when he feels like I'm not giving him attention.»
In between (the prospectus and the end date), you don't really know what you have.
The trouble is that there aren't really any drugs that tackle the root of Alzheimer's rather than just its symptoms.
In fact, researchers have found that when people think they are more physically attractive, they believe that they belong to a higher social class, regardless of how good looking they really are or their actual social status.
«It's really attractive on a short - term income basis relative to alternatives and... the long - term prospects with demographics relative to the developed world and the sort of metrics that you would expect to generate improving economies,» Barrickman said during the panel.
Nothing is worse after a car accident — fender bender or otherwise — than having an argument with the other driver about what really happened.
How JetBlue Won: Once upon a time, «Happy Jetting» was JetBlue's official slogan, and it really rang true.
«I was really skeptical of this concept at first, since it was so out of the box,» says Doug Weber, a bioengineer and neuroscientist at DARPA, who helped fund the neural dust research.
«I think it's a really creative, encouraging way to get the conversation started,» he told Entrepreneur.
«The one thing is that they really wanted me involved, instead of the teachers,» Mr. Trump said in an interview last week.
«That's free money and really makes this appealing.»
CEOs really only have 3 jobs: 1) Hire great people, 2) Don't run out of money, and 3) Have a north star and make sure people can always see it.
This is really the main reason that cold - callers get a bad reputation.
But holding back isn't really an option for women entrepreneurs.
It's frustrating because it undermines what is a really innovative technology.
... control, in my view, is what we're really trying to get to with all the chatter about balance.
What you really need to do is stop talking and start working.
The clothes are reasonably priced (the most expensive piece costs $ 245), comfortable, stylish, and designed for the real workingwoman's needs, which is really all us workingwomen want at the end of the day.
The recipe for making a soufflé isn't that complicated: it's really just eggs, flour, and cheese.
What's happening isn't really an elimination of IT — someone still has to replace the toner cartridges.
I try to find time every day to really think through an issue completely — dedicating an hour or more of uninterrupted time.»
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