Sentences with phrase «really focused on the innovation»

So I think we've done a great job of bringing some of the energy of a Silicon Valley conference to the legal sphere and really focusing on innovation, what's next for legal, and getting a bunch of like - minded lawyers and support staff and thought leaders into a room together with the Clio team to think about what the future of practice management and what the future of the practice of law looks like, is my favorite part of the conference.
«We were really focused on the innovation piece because we wanted to know what firms were doing around this looming challenge of the billable hour,» says Ali.

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Technology is freeing up entrepreneurs to operate without crushing office overhead so that they can focus on what really matters: innovation and productivity.
Driven by compelling cognitive science, a renewed focus on curriculum in the wake of the Common Core State Standards, and a culture of innovation encouraged by the Every Student Succeeds Act, curiosity has piqued about what «knowledge - rich schooling» really means — and how the heck you do it.
«The VIC's focus is really on supporting the success and innovation of companies as well as practitioners in the animal health space,» said Randy Valpy, President and CEO, LifeLearn.
Games need highly targeted innovation — ensuring that you are focusing your energy on features that really matter.
But I think you're right, there is a focus really on the infrastructure, getting stability in that infrastructure which is really important, so that reflects in ILTA Survey that the influence of the IT Department which is all about stability, which is all about backup and managing things, but you got to look really hard in these surveys to see where innovation is and how you get out to the edge.
And Ed mentioned the staff so Sarah Glassmeyer, Jeff Burkhardt from the center were already working on tackling this problem and so we have this really good staff as well who are running the show for this, and so the center now is really focused on helping to accelerate innovation within the profession which sounds like a lot of words.
But I think there's a consensus that a focus exists on short - term partner profits and that the firms really addressing the changing market and the role of innovation are quite the exception.
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