Sentences with phrase «really good shot at a win»

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PSG have increased their power, stock and standing in Europe and really have a good shot at winning the title this season.
There are mixed reports as to whether Fossella really is interested in running during this cycle — perhaps the GOP's best shot at winning back the seat from Democratic Rep. Mike McMahon, who is on the outs with organized labor and the WFP for his «no» vote on health care reform — or is laying the groundwork for a run two years from now.
The multiplayer is as you would expect it for a Call OF Duty game, I know a lot of you will purchase the game only to play multiplayer, personally I'm not very good at it but still like to take part, I will always be a «runner up» when playing online multiplayer but like to give it a shot, it comes with all of the usual standard game modes; Team Deathmatch, Domination, Search and Destroy, Free For All, Capture the flag etc and also has a multiplayer mode known as war which doesn't really rank you on kills or deaths, it's an objective based game mode in which you are usually attacking or defending and have 3 separate objectives to complete in order to win whether it be building a bridge or escorting a tank, I found this the most enjoyable out of the standard multiplayer list.
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