Sentences with phrase «really high estimates»

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One of China's top 400 richest people, he was estimated to have a personal fortune of worth $ 740 million in 2012, but how he's really made his name is by high - profile charity donations — something he brands «flashy philanthropy.»
Fran — The reducing time is just an estimate as stoves range so much in power, no two really agree on the temperature of «medium - high» and even pot thickness / material and depth / width can change the time.
A good example is if you try and fit a normal distribution to 10 data values using a flat prior for the variance... the final variance estimate you get is higher than anything that any of the standard methods will give you, and is really just nonsense: it's extremely biased, and the resulting predictions of the normal are much too wide.
You can see that we are really trying to «push» it, since our estimated 1RM in the week 3 and the week 4 is already higher than our EDM.
Whether the teacher estimates are a little low, a little high, or even a little more than a little low is not really the point of this exercise: Really, it's about breaking your kid of the habit of wasting time complaining about or delaying homework, rather than just doireally the point of this exercise: Really, it's about breaking your kid of the habit of wasting time complaining about or delaying homework, rather than just doiReally, it's about breaking your kid of the habit of wasting time complaining about or delaying homework, rather than just doing it.
They have their own flaws, [I] argued, estimating that 90 - 95 percent of researchers who are looking at the effects of high - stakes testing agree that they're not moving the dial [really whatsoever] on teacher performance.»
In your case base on the information provided the estimate is really high.
I only followed a few cases really closely and I didn't think the estimates were off that much, but if the numbers are too high on a consistent basis, then it is worth re-thinking the discounts that Greenbackd is using.
I know right now inflation is really high, but for a long term prediction doesn't the BoC's inflation rate target of 1 - 3 % mean a 2 % inflation rate is a suitable estimate?
Gilman at # 11 — can't really blame the Guardian when the commentary in Nature itself announced «A compelling analysis suggests that we can rule out high estimates of this sensitivity.»
Kenneth, I really think it is all about reducing the credibility of any empirical estimate which yields other than high sensitivity.
There is really no «unrealistic» low estimate but It (vtg) can produce lots of unrealistically high estimates.
So this wouldn't fix the problem with the low - freqency portion («the trend») dominating the estimate of the correlation coefficient, when what you really want is just the the high - frequency portion unadorned by the trend from another region.
Further, if someone tells you that the mode (highest value) of their distribution of estimates for the ECS is at 1.6 or 4.2 K, the fact that the distribution has a width of a few degrees means that they are really saying something very different than if they say 3 K, and if their distribution extends much below 1.5 K they are in trouble with just about every other estimate and a lot of very basic physics.
Better informed estimates generally seem to run higher... though there don't seem to be many that really try to do a comprehensive count.
A good example is if you try and fit a normal distribution to 10 data values using a flat prior for the variance... the final variance estimate you get is higher than anything that any of the standard methods will give you, and is really just nonsense: it's extremely biased, and the resulting predictions of the normal are much too wide.
It gives a TCR range of 1.0C - 2.5 C and a transient response to cumulative CO2 emissions of 0.8C - 2.5 C. Again, no best estimates, so they really don't know what climate sensitivity might actually be; could be low, could be high.
I don't really want to debate your underlying assumptions, such as whether or not gold farmers cause inflation, whether or not 20 % of players buying gold is an unrealistically high estimate, etc..
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