Sentences with phrase «really high wire»

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And then it's the high wire that they're walking on, because I'm shooting on film [as opposed to digitally], and they understand that time is money and that this is where we're going to really capture the performance.
It's a high - wire performance, one that might take a little warming up to at the beginning, but Portman — and the film itself, really — wraps you up in her spell.
Philippe Petit, clad in black and teetering on a wire strung high between the Twin Towers, really popped against the cloudless blue sky on the Galaxy S II.
Luxury cars can almost drive themselves, films stream into high - end home theaters at 4K resolution, and yet when we really want to play something with high - fidelity through amazing speakers, we often have to plug in a wire, put in a disc, or drop a needle.
Of course, GameStream was designed to use the SHIELD Controller, but NVIDIA gets that most PC games aren't really into the whole controller scene, so GameStream also supports Bluetooth keyboards and mice paired up with the SHIELD device — sure, the latency will be a little higher than a wired connection, but you can't really be that picky when you're streaming games over Wi - Fi anyway.
Even if it's old news in that regard, getting official WPC support promises to really help with adoption (as who wants to risk building devices that support a system outside established standards), as well as signifies that wireless charging proponents are quite aware of the competition they face from high - speed wired alternatives.
Does it really take any high level of intelligence to spot a leaky basement, bad roof, structural damage, creaky hardwood floors, bad plumbing and wiring etc.?
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