Sentences with phrase «really move viewers»

Not exact matches

It's understandable Valsecchi wanted the handshake for the TV viewers, but F1's moved on from their Baku clash and it just caused a bit of a weird situation — when really, it wasn't much of a big deal.
Fans may not like the CGI zombies, but unlike the video game creatures in I am Legend (2007), these are more filmed actor - CGI tweaked hybrids; their believability is really dependent on how much viewers will accept the virus as a fast - moving bug which immediately transforms a host into a rabid sprinter with super-strength (not unlike 28 Days Later).
It moves along at a pace that doesn't allow viewers to really comprehend what is going on, or become emotionally invested in the various subplots.
For her part, Goel says she wants viewers of her work to slow down and really look, «especially with so many screens and moving images around us.
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