Sentences with phrase «really old dinosaur»

Not exact matches

Are you saying that you literally believe what the bible says about creation, that you really believe the earth is only 6,00 years old, or that man has existed for just 6,000 years, that you believe man and dinosaurs shared the earth?
«The Big Egg,» for instance, ends with a hint that maybe a dinosaur egg really could hatch, and «The Secret of the Old Cannon» finishes with the suggestion that maybe there actually are ghosts.
And because it doesn't really matter what the diaper looks like, I found that my son looks awesome in his older sister's hand - me - down hot pink diapers and my daughter can really rock her big brother's dinosaurs.
«We have to remember it appears 10 million years or so after the oldest known bird - like dinosaurs and so our famous «first bird» may really be a secondarily flightless one.»
Back in the good old days of 2007, when dinosaurs walked the Earth, nobody had really heard about eBooks, less still grasped how popular they'd become, allowing old books a new lease of life; and how devices capable of holding entire libraries in their diminutive frames, and still capable of being used as — of all things, telephones — would be ubiquitous.
There are still those old school lawyers — dare I say dinosaurs — who insist that what really counts is time at your desk.
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