Sentences with phrase «really only study»

«This is a question one can really only study mathematically, but it has physical, almost philosophical implications, which makes it very cool.»
Having really only studied one theory of Play Therapy, I found this book broadened my knowledge of Play Therapy in general.

Not exact matches

«The work that they've done designing and executing on their engine is really impressive,» says Jory Bell, partner at Playground, which had former SpaceX employees study Relativity's architecture before deciding to invest in its Series A. «And every technical decision they've made is optimized not only to serve their initial market, but to scale up as well.»
Going to bed angry, a new study shows, really is a terrible idea, but not only for the reasons your mom gave you.
«There is only one way to really reduce congestion and cut down on traffic,» warns Tim Lomax, the author of the annual TTI study on U.S. congestion.
There are plenty of studies showing that value strategies outperform other types of investing strategies (especially over the long run), but you really only have to look at some of the world's most successful investors, like Warren Buffett, Seth Klarman, and Mario Gabelli, to understand that value investing works.
Do you really think that most who object to Calvinism do so only because of a gut feeling, while those who teach and hold to Calvinism do so because they have studied the Scripture?
Your article on the 3 % tithe in my email today really blessed me, after years and years of only hearing Malachi 3 over and over I'd done my own study of every reference to the tithe.
time for me to leave my country for 5 years study (medical field)... and while i am i that country (China) once i intercourse with a prostitute (i am really shamefull)... then after few times i found another girl in facebook (from my hometown only) then fall in love with her and that loves get stronger day by day (she is a christian) and i told her that im not virgin and i had this girlfriend and i did with prostitute so she forgives me and ask me to lie new life... but still i havent leave my e girl friend (i found difficult to leave her, i do nt love her much, but i do nt know how i love her in first place, she is much older than me), my ex gf came to suspects about my new relationship via facebooks post, comments, likes and all and sometimes i did told her that i have this new friend... as time passes by, she realised it and she do nt talk to me anymore till now... and last time i went home i met my new girl friend and we intercourse....
Then the only scientists who are studying anything really fundamental are those who are working on these laws.
The only thing it seems that you all have studied is how to argue with an atheist using an A.B.C model laid out by a really well versed atheist who actually reasoned.
It is questions like these that have provoked the simple answer in much of the university today, not only in the United States but in Europe and Asia as well: Drop the idea of a core education altogether, especially when we know that what we really need to be studying is science, technology, and economics.
If you really study Paul you will find that when he says, «I», he is referring only to his own opinion.
Well the one study was only revealed in the 90s by your own admission and this study is questionable so really there is only one that you coudl even call a study in the most loosely worded definitions of the terms study.
Folks talk about the soul as a religious item — that it synonymous with religion — But religions don't really explain what a soul is — because they don't know — only a possible destination — Before you get all huffy, please consider where my concept comes from — I am no longer religious — I studied Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs for dozens of years, and determined a different design, for what the glyphs could portend — and found some interesting thought processes hidden within — including what the soul is — for instance: The Ankh symbol represents Life — the charcters for An and kh, I translate as an = thought and kh = soul — Thus Life = the thought of the soul — The soul as described by the AE, is a continuity between 2 or more enti - ties — including the enti - ty Environment — Our environment creates us — some name their environment as god — some believe there is a continuity with their environment — that is soul --
There have been a lot of studies pm soy and it was really only one of the meat substitutes that we had back in the old days.
The most important limitation to understand is that PRP therapy has really only shown to be effective in research studies which look at the treatment of chronic tendon injuries (tendons connect muscles to bone) such as tennis elbow (irritation of tendons about the elbow).
My regular reaction is to just ignore them or to say oh well so and so's mom does this and that... you know the great comparative study in the sky... Well you know I thought about it and I am their best mom and really the only one they want!!!
Since I'm a relatively new mom and have only been studying and applying Positive Discipline for a little over two years, I really think a community atmosphere where more experienced moms can chime in and we can all support each other is in order here.
During school, art, design and textiles were the only subjects that really kept me engaged, and afterwards I went on to study fashion and clothing at my local college, to explore more of what the art and design world had to offer.
I've been considering completing my studies and going into teaching as it will mean that I can have a career that will fit around Sausage when she starts school, but really, my heart isn't in teaching, and I think it's one of those professions that you should only go into if you're passionate about it.
Recent studies have indicated that not only is bed rest not a good remedy to keep the baby cooking longer, but it can actually cause premature births, the one thing it is really meant to help to prevent.
But not only should the results be interpreted with caution for various statistical reasons (stay tuned), some of the news coverage of both the Tour de France and nose bacteria studies has really stretched the interpretation of cause and effect.
Professor Mick Watson, of the University of Edinburgh's Roslin Institute, said: «This has been a truly fascinating study, and really we are only beginning to understand what these microbes do.
«The only way to answer this is with a really big sample of cadavers,» says Sibyl Bucheli of the Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas, who is also studying the death microbiome.
In a study of people drawing their fingers over a flat surface that has two «virtual bumps,» the research team is the first to find that, under certain circumstances, the subjects feel only one bump when there really are two.
Animal studies don't help either; we're the only species that really talks.
We're studying something that we believe to be very much like Mars, but we don't know for sure, and the only way we're really going to know is if we can get there and analyze it the way we're analyzing in Iceland now.»
Such studies couldn't really be done in mice, Diamond explained, because mouse pregnancies only last 19 days.
«Heterosexual men really stand out from all other groups: they were the only ones who were much more likely to be most upset by sexual infidelity rather than emotional infidelity,» said David Frederick, Ph.D., and lead author on the study.
«It is really remarkable that even if the undamaged and the damaged guanine are bound in the active centre and assume identical positions, only the oxidized form of guanine is excised from DNA by the human repair enzyme hOGG1,» says Sadeghian, first author of the study.
«It makes evolutionary sense that the immune system would respond aggressively only when it's really needed,» says Mark Schaller, a psychologist and co-author of the study.
The detection of this signature is «really the only firm evidence of the presence of Majorana fermions,» says study coauthor Kang Wang, a condensed matter physicist at UCLA.
«I'm really interested in how hormones and behavior evolved,» she said, «and really the only way to study that is to look across the spectrum of species that share this hormone to see what are the similarities and differences in what it does.»
The results of this latest study don't really answer that question, but only offer a tool by which to measure the level of exposure to groundwater if there was a sudden spill of GO at a manufacturing facility.
«A really interesting finding was when Matt (lead author of the study, Matthew Ulgherait) activated AMPK in the nervous system, he saw evidence of increased levels of autophagy in not only the brain, but also in the intestine,» adds Walker.
For this study, the researchers could only make computer models of the atmosphere as we don't currently have telescopes that are powerful enough to actually «see» the chemicals it contains, but when the next - generation Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) eventually goes online, we'll be able to scan exoplanets» atmospheres to see what they're really made of.
The first strategy involves repeating experiments only once and then use hits common on both experiments for RT - PCR and whole mount studies and really have no plan to initially publish their chip results.
Research suggests earplugs really do help: A study published last month found that only 12 % of concert - goers who wore them experienced ringing in their ears afterwards, compared to 40 % of people who didn't use ear protection.
It's only an innovation in fitness that trainers always knew about 10 years because today we see there are some studies that show yeah, it actually is really effective at doing certain things.
So back to Fat vs Protein, my problem with most studies is they really only measure * short term * satiety, and they don't demarcate the macros nearly enough, as in they're often only modulate the macros by a few % or sometimes even 25 %.
The only thing we really have is the study first shown in this video that — once again — clearly shows that pescetarian diet is the healthiest.
I thought I was really getting through to one of my scientist friends the other day when he agreed that all these studies go through only 3/5 of the scientific process — but he still fervently believes that saturated fat causes heart disease because that's the consensus.
I'm going to be writing a post on this soon, but I just came across a study which I was really excited about that showed that botanical protocols are more effective than Rifaximin, which is the drug of choice for SIBO, and not only are they more effective, they're, of course, much safer, they don't tend to produce as many side effects, nor do they have as negative of an impact on the gut flora, and they're even effective in people who have done Rifaximin and haven't had success with it.
(I learn languages very easily, though the only ones I've ever really studied are ancient Greek and Latin)
Now the whole study only lasted a month, though, so you couldn't really make any generalizations.
I will spend a bit of time going over this and the next study cited by CarbSane and presented here, as they are excellent examples of really bad science (if that word should even be used at all) that are very misleading, and they in no way support the position that increasing carbohydrate intake is healthy... at best perhaps only somewhat less unhealthy than worse diets.
In addition, the study only looked at the sugars» effects on the brain, and did not examine whether people really do eat more food after consuming fructose than they would after eating glucose.
There were basically two identical studies where the only thing that was different was the amount of sleep people got and it really changed, again, how well the body was able to maintain lean body mass and where that weight loss was coming from.
I have actually recently completed a diploma in Sports and Recreation myself and studied Personal Training so I am familiar with muscles worked and techniques when it comes to exercises but we only really touched on Pregnancy pre, during and post exercise etc So I am keen to soak up any advice you can give me as I don't not much in that area.
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