Sentences with phrase «really rich learning»

We just returned from leading a really rich learning session with the first cohort of the AASA National Principal Supervisor Academy.

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I learned how to prospect for rich people, and in doing so, I found that not all rich people know much about investing, many don't appear to be rich, and most of the really rich are entrepreneurs themselves.
He must really risk mutual discussion with the world, must take for granted that he will not only teach but learn thereby, that the whole truth is always richer and more mysterious than what he has already explicitly grasped, that between the real truth of yesterday, today and tomorrow there exists a deeper hidden agreement than is realized either by insensitive innovators or diehard defenders of the old at any price.
If there's one thing I've learned from my first week cooking in Peru, it's that those Peruvians really kill it with their rich and flavorful sauces.
Hi Zahid, to relieve your long - term (chronic) constipation, besides taking coconut oil, you really need to learn to eat more fiber - rich food like vegetables and fruits.
If there's one thing I've learned from my first week cooking in Peru, it's that those Peruvians really kill it with their rich and flavorful sauces.
So I just made these and as well they are really bitter and really bland even after adding in 1/4 cup of maple syrup... I see it's either love or hate... and while i think it's a good recipe it doesn't have that decadent sweet tooth fix... they are not at all sweet or rich... but ive noticed this about other recipes as well to the people that complained and need something rich and sweet I'd suggest sticking with raw vegan brownies over cooked paleo brownies the recipe itself isn't bad it's just not suited for all taste buds... however I learned about date paste from here and best thing ever!
When students are placed in a learning - rich environment, provided a supportive forum to take risks and ask questions, and given certain control over their learning, long - lasting and deeper learning can really take root.
The elephants text and The Outsiders text got richer by comparison, and kids probably learned more because they were so engaged while reading a really challenging scientific text.
Because AP is content - rich, approach to coverage has to be well - focused on what really matters in an area of learning which strips teaching of nonessential material.
So I see the common core as a fertile and rich opportunity for really important professional learning by teachers, because — I don't know now how to say this nicely — well, not all teachers have been prepared to teach in this way.
Trading is not for everyone, you truly need to be passionate about it and really «get into it» by becoming a «trading nerd», learn early on to love and master it, and this passion will pay you back many times over, but along the way you need to learn to let go of the money and the thought of getting rich quick.
But I learned a really important lesson about growing smart and not growing too quickly and not changing your business plan in an attempt to get rich quick.
Traders who learn to love the process of Forex trading are the ones who succeed long - term, those who view the process of trading as something they can skim over or don't really enjoy, are simply in the markets to try and get rich quick, and the irony is that because their focus is continually on the end result they forget about how to get to the end result and thus never achieve it.
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