Sentences with phrase «really run a marathon»

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That's handy to know if you suddenly feel like your legs are going to fall off at mile 18 of a marathon, but it's a truth that can have a huge impact even if long - distance running really isn't your thing.
Success is not a sprint, it's an Ironman marathon, and our twenties aren't really about running the actual race.
I should really remember to leave reviews more often... Cool that you ran a marathon in Stockholm!
That's an impressive time for half a marathon and it seems you've have been really happy that day to just Go put and run for so long.
Someone who takes it dreadfully seriously points out that this is really an intellectual sport, not at all like, say, marathoning, in which the mind can be allowed to wander while one runs.
To be able to watch that is really motivating, exciting and a great time to be part of marathon running in the U.S.
And so you are not just going to learn your breathing techniques if you are going to go run a marathon, you are going to train your body, and you are going to get ready for it, you're going to strengthen your legs, and you are going to strengthen parts of your body that you haven't imagined, I remember my sister saying that her arms hurt after birth — she didn't had the strength in her arms to really use them to pull against whatever she was pulling against, whether it was her partner or someone else, to birth her baby.
Jolie Cash: Hot Mama Yoga cam about kind of in a funny way, because I've been teaching prenatal yoga and I thought that we need something that is going to get people interested, because when you come to a prenatal yoga class, a lot of women thought that prenatal is really boring, because they kind of just sit there and look over their shoulder and breath; and the equivalent of birth they say is like running a marathon.
A marathon runner has to build endurance in order to do longer runs, and babies aren't really all that different, tummy time is their marathon and every day they get a little strong and reach a little further, building those basic skills so that they can achieve their ultimate goal, which is keeping up with mom and dad, and even surpassing them!
Exercise is really important during pregnancy, but if you are not a regular exerciser, now is not the time to start running marathons!
«I'm running the legendary Boston marathon and proving to MYSELF just how strong I really am,» she wrote.
My concern is not if I run the whole marathon — if Im running it or walking it does nt really matter to me.
It sounds to me like you may have to step back and decide what's most important to you... do you want to run marathons or do you want to focus on losing your last few lbs and being really lean?
If you really want to run your first marathon — the safe way, the strong way, the right way... AND do it while eating a plant - based diet... this is the best decision you can possibly make.
I was running half marathons all the time and things like that, so I feel like I slowly started to realize that the foods that I ate really affected the rest of my life.
If you really enjoy your first 5K or want to pursue a 10K, marathon, or ultra run then stop by these resources to get some valuable info under your belt.
I slowly got back into running and within 4 - months ran my first half - marathon, which I really enjoyed.
If you're exhausted from running a marathon, or staying up really late on the weekend, that's just your body's way of catching up.
With my half marathon training in full swing, I've recently been hitting those longer runs where I could really use a little extra energy, but there's just something extremely unappealing about the pre-packaged sugar goo that's usually spiked with manufactured vitamins (plus, I can taste the vitamins in the gel).
It was really difficult for me — more difficult than running half marathons or leg curling 120 pounds.
And in law school I was really into Hot Yoga and ran my first half marathon.
I really want to test out some trail running after my marathon.
These shoes are made for walking, working, looking fabulous, running a marathon jk, but not really, isn't that what we look for; the perfect shoe / go to shoe?
What I was really thinking: I just ran my second fastest half marathon ever and I have no friends or family here to help me celebrate.
I was coming off running the NYC marathon and really wanted to run another marathon, only faster.
It really is if you want your run your best marathon.
Enhancing quality of life for past 35 years thanks to running marathons and i really..
In the long run I think all these new systems will do fine, the «children» on here really know little about how console sales work and that it is more a marathon than a sprint, that is why 3DS slow start or WiiU slow start mean little.
It's true that the task ahead is enormous, that the impressive success of the Common Core - ites thus far amounts to running a really fast first two miles in a marathon, but that's more cause — not less — for taking care to make their case in every quarter and to every audience.
Mark Matthews presents 26.2 Ways Writing a Novel is Like Running a Marathon (and 1 discussion on how it really isn't) posted at Running, Writing, and Chasing the Dragon, saying, «Qualifications to write this include 13 marathons and 4 novels.»
My running coach argued that a marathon wasn't really 42.2 km.
You really should switch off the TV, and just go meditate (or run a marathon) instead!
Only after I decided to run the marathon did I really consider what there was to do in Jordan.
I am really proud for Cy — running a full marathon is a HUGE accomplishment!!
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