Sentences with phrase «really short period of time»

They need to close many positions in really short period of time.
If you need it in really short period of time, you can also find it locally at Target and Best Buy.
Then they make two more, then they make four more, then they make 8 more... and in a really short period of time, human lifetime-wise, you have a million eco-villagey entities out there, all able to design a regenerative community.
The Mobile & console games have had literally millions of players getting online in a really short period of time, hitting our servers HARD!
You can do 10 repetitions of this in a really short period of time.
«I was just determined to be out of debt,» says Tresidder, who lives in Reno, Nev. «I was going to throw all my income at it and pay it off in a really short period of time
«We have been in a really odd world - two leadership electiosn in a really short period of time, have created uncertainity.
Modern physiscians have been around for a really short period of time.
If you own a home and you rent it out for really short periods of time and for the most part you are the main tenant, dwelling coverage may not be necessary.

Not exact matches

«I was able to grow a really sizable business in a short period of time,» Trump says.
Neither is geologist Liz Hajek, but she makes an exception for this book: «I don't generally gravitate toward fiction, but this collection of short stories, set in a variety of compelling places and time periods, is so creative and rich, it's been really fun to read.»
«It's a fairly small company and it's really impressive how much they've been able to produce in a short period of time and with not a lot of people,» says Barnhill.
The target is a medium term one, so there's a little bit of flexibility over the short term, and I think experience shows that in trying to do economic policy and trying to control inflation there really isn't an ability to fine tune these things over very short periods of time, you have to take a more medium term perspective.
Going completely vegan for a short period of time really helps my body to reboot.
«They lay the [PJ1] down and for short periods of time you can go really fast, [but] it's not feasible to withstand that for 500 laps,» said David Ragan, who starts 23rd.
This is his 2nd rebuild of a team in a short period of time, when he took over the Chiefs, they had the # 1 overall pick and a really rough «studs & duds» roster.
And then I was trying to sell the ones that were smaller and so I feel that was kind of a downside of it but if someone wanted something really kind of quick and you're not all that confident in your abilities, it worked for me for a short period of time.
He added that because Medicaid costs have «just grown so fast, until we have some federal health care reform that really addresses cost, if the federal government is willing to help us for a short period of time, that would be fine.»
If our brains really did work that way, we ought to do a better job of estimating long periods of time than short ones.
About a year and a month ago, in February of» 99, it was clear that we really were going to push this working draft over the finish line in a very short period of time and we had to be much more coordinated than we had ever been before.
That's a really short time period in which to see this sort of difference emerging,» says Professor Jon Slate, of the Department of Animal and Plant Sciences at the University of Sheffield.
«Because this is really a monumental undertaking in a very short period of time, we wanted the best possible scientists we could get,» he said.
That's a really short time period, far faster than we often think of evolution happening,» said Rick Relyea, lead researcher and a professor of biological sciences at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Even though more research needs to be made on these claims, one study has shown that HIIT really suppressed appetite for a short period of time after working out.
Really though, unless you're going completely insane on water intake (at least 2 or more gallons per day) or are drinking large amounts in a very short period of time, you have very little to worry about.
For anyone considering doing a juice cleanse, I would really recommend it for a short period of time just to experience it.
If you work with someone really good, they will spot specific things about your physique, lifestyle and psychological state of mind, that will help you to achieve goals in a far shorter period of time... and in a way that keeps your harmony of mind and body ensuring the everlasting results.
Hello Im a 19yo girl, virgin, only had a bit of foreplay with my bf that does nt involve semen, we're always cautious This time my period came on time but it was light and short (only about 3 days) normally it taked 4 - 5 days with a heavy flow Im really worried about having some problems or even..
Considering the fact that these drugs are effective for only a short time, then become so addictive they can be pure torture to get off, do you really want to risk developing Alzheimer's in exchange for a short period of time anxiety - free?
Don't try to get really lean in a short period of time because you might get there but you won't sustain it.
HIIT is an awesome exercise for skinny fat people because it burns a really high number of calories in a short period of time.
SO much work goes into making it look so effortless, and I really applaud you for your decision to stay for a shorter period of time.
It really, really was on both counts - plus, getting away even just for that short little period of time, gave me an incredible boost of energy this spring, which has been hugely helpful on so many fronts, so I'm thinking a trip in April might just have to become an annual tradition for us now.
This year was one of the first where we hosted two dinners in such a short period of time and I could have really used some of these tips for being a hostess while working full time.
I really don't like wearing the same thing over and over again in a short period of time, so buying a top like this one that's all black with pretty details is a great investment.
Folks have been able to really get back on track within very short period of time eliminating all worry and stresses of thisHerpest has also been acclaimed by many medical professionals as the most effective genital herpes treatment.
In fact, many people really put forward an alter ego when dating someone long - distance because it's not hard to keep up the disguise for short periods of time.
It's not really a traditional slasher in the sense that it's really that violent, it's actually very tame all things considered, I just mean it in the sense that everybody's gonna die and they have a very short period of time to do so.
Even though some postponements may happen, it shouldn't force the delay for a long period of time and you got to admit that it doesn't really matter if we'll be forced to wait for one month longer or shorter.
They enjoy the challenge and enjoy helping each other and that leads to really high achievement in a very short period of time
And those who were fearful really only had to muster their courage for a short, set period of time.
I really expected a slightly lower price due to repeated purchase in such a short period of time.
The color makes CX - 5 so sporty and exotic that it really become a favorite option in a short period of time.
This is partly because the entire digital industry has really grown up in a short period of time.
When Mao dies, things change again and it is really difficult to imagine what the Chinese people have gone through in a relatively short period of time.
There really is no other method of debt relief that will not only save the debtor this kind of money but also assist them in becoming debt free within such a short period of time.
Despite the unpredictable nature of commodities over short time periods, it's hard to identify any risks that could really threaten CN's long - term future.
I'm not really sure as to why it outperforms and it has also surprised me because while the Buffett investors are looking for a very solid cash flow yield where they expect it to be stable over a period of time, we are looking for fat returns in a very short term and the only way you can get that is through these «ugly» businesses!
By reframing your goals into smaller amounts and shorter time periods you'll benefit from the sense of satisfaction that comes with making progress toward the things that will really benefit you and your family.
This isn't really the case anymore, though they're still among the more restrictive for approving multiple cards in a short period of time.
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