Sentences with phrase «really study up»

Be sure to really study up on the specifics of what will be expected of you throughout the screening process.

Not exact matches

«The work that they've done designing and executing on their engine is really impressive,» says Jory Bell, partner at Playground, which had former SpaceX employees study Relativity's architecture before deciding to invest in its Series A. «And every technical decision they've made is optimized not only to serve their initial market, but to scale up as well.»
«Ottawa isn't really keen, I think, on having the provinces all start up their own pension plans because it starts to break up the federation a bit, it starts to create barriers to people going from one province to another looking for employment,» said Thomas Klassen, a York University political science professor who studies pensions.
A follow - up study found men weren't as color blind when it came to bargain shopping for something they really wanted.
And, over time, those benefits could really add up: One animal study found that regular exercise actually reorganizes parts of the brain, making it less reactive to stress.
When researchers out of Russia examined the sleep and wakefulness rhythms of 130 study subjects (by keeping the obliging participants up for a full 24 hours and quizzing them periodically about how they were feeling), the scientists found that some folks really didn't prefer early or late hours.
Of course, the way to get around ending up as one of Morris Massey's textbook examples is to really study your history.
«I was studying for my test and I saw all of my friends just having fun, drawing pictures on the board and I remember thinking: I should really be up there having fun with them but I've got to study for this test.
people really need to study the bible — not for Christianity sake but for theirs - the athiest would like everyone to understand them and used this phrase — But when I explain that atheism is central to my worldview — that I am in awe of the natural world and that I believe it is up to human beings, instead of a divine force, to strive to address our problems — they often better understand my views, even if we don't agree.
The older I get, and the more I study the Word of God, alone The more I can not soatmch «christian» books.I am finding that I am more interested in the original languages (Hebrew, Greek) that the Word was penned in (via the Holy Spirit) before it was «translated» and the cultures and customs of that day.Knowing these things really open up The Scriptures.
What's more, a casual study into other aspects of my beliefs would reveal that I really don't «have it all sown up»; anyone who knows me personally can testify against that!!!
«It's taken me a lot of my growing up years and a decent amount of time studying theology for me to see what was really happening.
One of the things I really picked up from the book is how I need to start studying more psychology so that my writing and speaking will be more persuasive.
«Neither the stereotype that people in seminaries have of local churches nor the stereotypes the churches have of themselves hold up very well if the congregation is really studied carefully and conscientiously,» she says.
«Tithing» to the local church is one of those assumed traditions that no one likes to talk about, perhaps because the people who would really study it are the same people who benefit from proppping it up.
He expressed his own view of the importance of education to his old poet friend Eobanus in March 1523, in a letter which takes us into the Renaissance world of the humanists: «I do not intend that young people should give up poetry and rhetoric... it is through these studies, as through nothing else, that people are really well prepared for grasping sacred truths, as well as for handling them skilfully and successfully.»
I suppose this has already occurred to you, but isn't the really instructive case - study not the man himself, but the movement that has grown up around him?
I heard about this study on self - perception, or at least, the study says that was the original point of it, how does our self - perception match up with what is really happening.
When we have deduced what we deduce by our reason and from study of visible nature, and then read what we read in His inspired word, and find the two apparently discordant, this is the feeling I think we ought to have on our minds» not an impatience to do what is beyond our powers, to weigh evidence, sum up, balance, decide, and reconcile, to arbitrate between the two voices of God» but a sense of the utter nothingness of worms such as we are; of our plain and absolute incapacity to contemplate things as they really are; a perception of our emptiness, before the great Vision of God....
I can understand why many pastors don't teach any of this in their Bible study, but in this day and age there really is no excuse for Christians not to pick up a book from some biblical scholar laying this out.
I went vegan for ethical reasons and didn't care a lot about the health aspects of a vegan diet, so even after reading The China Study and watching Forks Over Knives I wasn't really convinced that I should give up oils.
Ox went and looked up who he thought was best fullback in the game, he really studied him.
Since grades really count in high school, planning for studying is crucial for success, particularly when your teen's time is taken up with extracurricular activities.
I would really love it if there could be a blog post somewhere showing every study that has come up with the x3 risk.
Pregnancy has a way of really draining a woman's body of her magnesium resources and some studies show that moms» bodies need up to two years to fully recover from pregnancy and birth.
Many children never really learn how to study and it catches up with them in high school.
Now they try to salvage their insecurity hypothesis by suggesting that maybe the really screwed up single people did not sign up for their study.
Ethnographic studies reveal that many parents never really make a firm decision about where their baby will sleep; nevertheless, sleep happens, and sometimes the children end up in their parent's bed.
Corbyn could not genuinely consult in such a distrustful atmosphere on account of the tendency of some to queue up at TV and radio studies, saying how really good their mate was, if it was not for Corbyn's incompetence in seeing it.
The state GOP has really provided a great case study in how to screw up royally time and time again... Lazio still wouldve lost but at least he wouldnt have sucked away any remaining dignity the NY GOP had...
«It really opened up a whole new way of studying an old field,» says Ban, who became a full professor, at the age of 41, in 2007.
Evidence that animal pheromones don't always work in they way we thought, backed up by a growing number of brain - imaging studies in humans, is convincing some researchers that we really do make and respond to pheromones.
For their study, published Nov. 8, 2016, in Environmental Research Letters, the researchers first analyzed vegetation cover data for the months leading up to the storm to see if the Syrian conflict had really changed the land cover that much.
In lunar orbit, it occurred to me that, here we are, all the way up there at the moon, and we're studying this thing, and it's really the Earth as seen from the moon that's the most interesting aspect of this flight.»
But he cautions that follow - up studies are needed to prove whether the antibodies are really burning water to generate the reactive compounds.
they get impatient with the scientists for not making up their minds, but in fact what they are reading is a condensed version of just one study that shows one thing, and they really ex-communicate it from the joy of it which is we know this little bit, it seems to indicate that if we find out a little bit more we get even [a] greater knowledge of it.
«It would be really nice to identify these organisms and harness this ability to clean up our messes,» says Lee Kerkhof at Rutgers University in New Jersey, who is studying microbes from an old uranium ore mill in Colorado.
One of the interesting things to study, we know Central Park is important for migratory birds and we know that they depend upon the food resources that are here, but no one has ever really done a systematic survey of what actually they are feeding on, like we have never done a canopy study of all the invertebrates up in the trees to see what's coming out when and what is the predominant part of the diet of different birds and sort of quantifying; but what they have done — people have done — with shore birds and sort of gauging, weighing them, you know, catching them, weighing them, seeing how much weight they gain over time while they are rather resting and feeding before they depart on their northern trip.
«I think this is going to end up being a really classic paper in the literature,» says psychologist Lee Thompson of Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, who has studied the genetics of cognitive skills and who was not involved in the work.
«This is a window of time we haven't had access to, and techniques like this are really going to open that up,» says Moriah Thomason, a neuroscientist at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, who wasn't involved in the new study.
«Venom cocktails are really rich; they can have up to 1000 different chemicals and the mix varies a lot,» says Greta Binford, an evolutionary biologist at Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Oregon, who studies the unusual tissue - destroying properties of the venom of the brown recluse spider.
«The gap in radius is really interesting and comes from meticulous follow - up of the previously discovered Kepler planets, rather than the ones announced today,» says astronomer David Kipping of Columbia University, who was not involved in the study.
Unfortunately, there's no good way to study a black hole up close to test what's really going on.
We might be picking up really small lymph nodes that if left untreated wouldn't have impacted survival,» says study author Mousumi Banerjee, Ph.D., research professor of biostatistics at the University of Michigan School of Public Health.
A new study identifies a gene that really ramps up the Rambo quotient.
It's really striking that in the blink of an eye, an expert can pick up on something about that mammogram that indicates abnormality,» said Jeremy Wolfe, PhD, senior author of the study and director of the Visual Attention Laboratory at BWH.
«It's a bit of a wake up call... The results are really quite dramatic,» Dan Strickman, a medical entomologist at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, who was not involved in the study, said.
She wrote that follow - up studies are required to really understand the processes at work.
This study is really a wake - up call to the medical community that a relatively large number of colorectal cancers are occurring in people under 50,» says study author Samantha Hendren, M.D., M.P.H., associate professor of surgery at the University of Michigan Medical School.
«Our new scientific evidence has really opened up a new way of studying people that were previously largely invisible.»
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