Sentences with phrase «really urgent problem»

And I think there's a lot of people inside and outside of the system that think we have a really urgent problem.

Not exact matches

This problem is really urgent for residents of large cities because most of the time they spent on the way to work and back.
This problem is really urgent for residents of large cities.
Which is really too bad because we have an urgent problem in America: our maternal mortality rate is among THE HIGHEST in the industrialized world (depending on the index you look at), our infant mortality rates are unacceptable, the inequalities in the way women of color and poor women are treated is literally a human right crisis, our new moms suffer from postpartum depression mores than so many other countries, and in many ways we have taken the joy and awe out of childbirth and infancy.
This really is the problem: Mr. IAT is once again rebunking the denialist meme that AGW can't be a globally urgent problem if climate scientists don't voluntarily internalize the marginal climate - change cost of their private fossil carbon emissions.
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