Sentences with phrase «really use the money»

It's heart breaking that they prey on people who could really use the money
Then let them know that when you take money out at the ATM, you are really using the money that you earned from your job.
They say schools in New York, particularly the state's poorest schools, could really use the money.
«What I really want to focus on, whether we win the big prize, or smaller size, is to make sure we are really using the money effectively in public - private partnerships to create jobs here in the Rochester area,» Robach told WXXI News.
I could really use a money tree right about now...
If you have federal work study as a part of your financial aid package, you should really use that money to pay as much off of your student loans as possible while you are in school.
My thinking is that if I paid off a loan $ 700 at a time I might save myself $ 50 - 100 / month when each loan is gone, which is great, but if I got laid off tomorrow I could really use that money.
«I know some artists who were successful in the 1960s and»70s and have since fallen on hard times and could really use the money,» Close said.
We could really use the money we'll be gaining for starting our new year's new life.

Not exact matches

Unless you're really going to use that money to do something that is more transformative in terms of how we deliver, finance and run our health care system, then you're not going to see any real change.
But you remember my campaign, I used to say, «I won't consider this great unless Apple starts coming in and really investing big money doing the plants.»
And they say money's with HSBC but I really like using the Amazon front end for this, that, and the other.
«It's really a fee for using someone else's money,» explains Todd Christensen, director of education at Debt Reduction Services, a nonprofit debt management and credit counseling organization in Boise, Idaho.
Focusing on what you really care about, whether it is travel, family, or your passions, you can cut wasteful spending and use your money on what you really care about.
I personally use a safety razor as I really appreciate that close shave without the risk of ingrown hairs and the amount of money I save by purchasing feather blades is a great plus as well.
Besides doing things that aren't really jobs, such as using Ebates for cash back to using credit card rewards to earn free vacations, there are tons of other things I have done in order to make extra money.
And the European told me that in Europe, it's really a no - no to use customer funds for your own — to gamble with that at all, that this is so criminal that if there is no criminal prosecution of Corzine, if it turns out that he did take the money, then that is going to lead the European capital markets to withdraw their money from the American capital markets, because the whole — the whole of Wall Street would turn out to be gangsters, without any prosecution, without any rule of law at all.
Maybe about «blogging for money» So I have a few keywords in mind but I really don't know what has the highest search volume or the variations I should be using.
«I don't really care that much about fancy things,» says Forleo, «but what has always been true in my heart... is that I could use money as a vehicle for healing.
Since microsites were really easy to set up using WordPress, this was a guaranteed way to print money for those who understood SEO.
«Almost by definition, a really good business generates far more money (at least after its early years) than it can use internally» Warren Buffett
We used to make money betting on reinventing lousy businesses and kind of wringing money out of them, but that is a really painful, difficult way to make money, especially if you're already rich.
I don't really recommend trying to make money consistently off penny stocks just by relying on technical analysis (you know, using charts and numbers alone to try to identify trends, reversals, and buying opportunities).
If you don't have a lot of money to invest going into February, why not use those free trades you mentioned and buy a really low dollar amount just for the sake of keeping your investments consistent.
Having a system that treats air travel almost like stocks, allowing you to buy in for tickets at the best price, that now, uses a range of crypto - based payment systems means users really can get the optimum price for their ticket, meaning total value for money is ensured.
It doesn't matter whether you are running a website or an eCommerce store if you really want to build an online business that makes money you should definitely start using exit intent technology.
There are some rules that allow you to take out money from your Roth IRA in order to pay for your first house, but those rules can get complicated and a Roth IRA is really best used for retirement.
But also, firstfruits of food and such could be used to support the pastor, not really money.
From a religious perspective, the thing that really undermined Christmas was not liberals or atheists; it was the many many Christians who tried (and keep trying) to use the holiday to make as much money as possible.
That is, we have no idea where the money comes from that was used to buy those properties, we have no idea who really sits behind those companies and who really owns that property.
No money involved there, but how can we dissuade people from learning it, I got it... throw in some Christian faith, high - jack it from ordinary people and use said faith to attack said theory even though it really doesn't matter — but hey, its a wedge issue and might get said right - wing politician into power by exploiting peoples faith.
This really confirms the obvious — There's lots of money to be raked in using the medium of religion.
For a lot of people, money isn't something you really learn how to use so much as you just copy what everyone around you is doing and hope they know...
I really want us to stay informed about how our money is being used.
If you know someone is really homeless and not using the money to fund their addictions (I assume you don't want to help an addict pay for their drugs), use your personal discretion in giving cash.
If you know someone really well and know they are using the money to buy food or similar things, then you should do what you think best.
If Pope Francis REALLY believes in what he says, he will order the widespread sale of all the priceless historical artifacts in the Vatican and from all the ornate Catholic churches worldwide, (worth untold BILLIONS of dollars) and use the money to feed the poor and house the homeless woldwide.
If you really want to help them, start sending money to their religious coffers and they can use it to move away from Iran.
Money only represents work that you perform to use as trade for other things, so you really can't call it a God.
Conservatives don't want to see the larger picture because they really don't care about me or my daughter, or your's for that matter, they only care about themselves and how they can figure out ways to get out of paying any money that might be used to help poor brown people.
I don't really care whether you believe public monies are prohibited from being used for abortion.
When I pass by churches these days, all I can think is — does that really honor God, and how many people could be helped with the that's money used need to maintain that building?
Other students will cite the massive amounts of money being poured into the Crossroads construction project, questioning if we really need to spend $ 400 million dollars, or if we should be using that money in other ways and for better means.
Those of us who don't give regularly have our own rationale for doing so, but many Americans believe some myths about generosity that are getting in the way of not just our own personal growth and development as generous people, but also are widely blocking money to a lot of causes that could really use some.
I was going to come up with something exciting and wonderful but I'm still in the midst of trying to save money / use up everything I already have, so you do still get a recipe — it just doesn't really have all that much to do with paninis.
I really like that you used chicken breasts instead of tenderloin — you get way more for your money.
However, I used a box mix, which is so money, but not really blog - worthy since the recipe would simply read: «Make three boxes of Duncan Hines moist cake in different flavors.
Tobacco use is rapidly declining because of really effective measures (plain packaging, advertising bans and increasing price through taxes) that save lives and enormous amounts of money over a lifetime for people who used to smoke.
But it's worth looking critically at specials and multi-buy offers to check that they're really saving you money, and using unit pricing to ensure you're getting the best deal.
I have loved Following your website the last 2 years since I found out I was gluten intolerant.I have been sort of intimidated about baking gluten free bread, but I have discovered that rice flour breads in the store are not really worth the money, and I can use other flours and things taste amazing.
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