Sentences with phrase «really vulnerable families»

Not exact matches

It's really none of your business and unless a mom asks for your advice, it can really do a lot of harm at a time when a mom may feel vulnerable and when she might be making the best choice for her family, even if it's a different choice, than you made or would make.
«Their main concern throughout all of this really is helping these vulnerable families they're working with,» Keith said during Press Pass.
Here are some things you may be doing to block love from entering your life: You're not really trying to meet the right man; you complain to your friends and family that there are no good men out there; you think all men are cheaters; you think it's impossible to meet a man because there are more women than men in your city; you keep making excuses as to why you can't meet someone; you're stuck in a past relationship; you're using your looks or work to hold you back; you think men your age just want to date younger women; you think of yourself as a victim; or you're afraid of the love you deserve, being vulnerable, and / or intimacy.
«We have demonstrated that when we provide vulnerable children and families with really high quality services — educationally, medically, socially — we have impacts of a large and practical magnitude all the way up to middle age.»
And the district is refusing to tell local families and the community how it is really using the funds, and whether they're actually being used to help the vulnerable students this money is intended for.
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