Sentences with phrase «realm of human activity»

Many assume that civil society is a neutral term, meaning the realm of human activity outside the state and outside the economy.

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Participation in and enjoyment of such unserious activities as writing, singing, praying, contemplating, and dancing help to bring human beings into contact with an order of reality that stands apart from the realm of human making.
But we maintain, on the contrary, that we know the Jesus of history very well, even if we do not have a precise and photographic account of his day - by - day activities; and the unique claim of Christianity is that in and by those events in the actual realm of historical happenedness, God is revealed — revealed, of course, in and under the conditions of history and human life, but revealed nonetheless.
Such an awareness does not deny a telos to the history of life, but it does remove its fulfillment from the realm of mere human activity, whether economic, political, or otherwise.
The separation of various realms of human endeavor and activity common to Western individualism does not fit in with the organic, interconnected worldview informed by Russian Orthodox spirituality.
Conversely, a contemplative religio - cultural and ecclesiastical agenda for theology was preoccupied exclusively with the specificities of the energy that flows from the God - human encounter; it neglected the fertile activity of God in the other realms of the world.
But his control over the universe was regarded as quite limited; other gods and goddesses were free to do pretty much as they pleased in the particular realms of nature or human activity over which they held jurisdiction.
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