Sentences with phrase «realm of public speaking»

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For the tradition to which Plato had been heir, paideia was as essential to the well - being of the public realm as of the political realm, by forming virtuous citizens capable of filling political roles wisely; for fourth - century Greek - speaking Christians paideia, while it aimed to shape persons» private interiority rather than their public political activity, contributed to the well - being of the public realm as a cultural realm accessible to any literate, educated person, Christian or pagan.
«It is Labour that speaks with more urgency than its rivals on social justice, standing up to predatory capitalism, on investment for growth, on reforming and strengthening the public realm, Britain's place in Europe and international development — and which has a record in government that it can be more proud of than it sometimes lets on.
Tuesday 12 March 2013, 2 pm Within the Public Realm Presented as part of Dublin's twinning agreement with the City of Barcelona, Mariana Cánepa Luna and Max Andrews, Barcelona - based curatorial office Latitudes, will speak about their project entitled «Incidents of Travel» (Casa del Lago, Mexico City, and Spring Workshop, Hong Kong) for which artists developed day - long city tours as a form of expanded studio visit.
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