Sentences with phrase «reason as an instrument»

They base their philosophy on the concept of man as an intelligent adaptive organism and regard reason as an instrument for solving problems of adjustment to the natural and human environment.

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«The right tools for solving disputes within our community are precision instruments such as reason, communication, empathy, curiosity, and understanding.
One of the most common reasons that traders never make it to the top of the trading «mountain», is that they get stuck in an insane cycle of placing trades, obsessively watching the price of the instruments they're trading as it moves up and down, and fiddling with the trade while it's live, typically by exiting too early or too late.
From this heavily fortified definitional base George and Bradley reason that sexual acts of the reproductive type typically further the good of marriage, and persons (whether married or not) who engage in sexual acts of the nonreproductive type «necessarily treat their bodies and those of their sexual partners (if any) as means or instruments in ways that damage their personal (and interpersonal) integrity.»
If we can give these individuals, incarnated with the propensity to use their minds as instruments of expression, growth, and evolution, the tools to balance their bodily organism, it is my belief that they will come into fuller contact with their soul, their reason for being, and their essential role in ushering us into the next story.
Harvard Graduate School of Education will work with the Strategic Education Research Partnership and other partners to complete a program of work designed to a) investigate the predictors of reading comprehension in 4th - 8th grade students, in particular the role of skills at perspective - taking, complex reasoning, and academic language in predicting deep comprehension outcomes, b) track developmental trajectories across the middle grades in perspective - taking, complex reasoning, academic language skill, and deep comprehension, c) develop and evaluate curricular and pedagogical approaches designed to promote deep comprehension in the content areas in 4th - 8th grades, and d) develop and evaluate an intervention program designed for 6th - 8th grade students reading at 3rd - 4th grade level.The HGSE team will take responsibility, in collaboration with colleagues at other institutions, for the following components of the proposed work: Instrument development: Pilot data collection using interviews and candidate assessment items, collaboration with DiscoTest colleagues to develop coding of the pilot data so as to produce well - justified learning sequences for perspective - taking, complex reasoning, academic language skill, and deep comprehension.Curricular development: HGSE investigators Fischer, Selman, Snow, and Uccelli will contribute to the development of a discussion - based curriculum for 4th - 5th graders, and to the expansion of an existing discussion - based curriculum for 6th - 8th graders, with a particular focus on science content (Fischer), social studies content (Selman), and academic language skills (Snow & Uccelli).
Part of the reason for that is increased responsiveness, as you'd want when driving enthusiastically; part of the reason is that, in sport mode, the engine tries to keep the battery topped up to a level that allows maximum performance of the electric drive system, extracting the greatest total performance from the car without the sad face of an empty battery popping up on your instrument panel display.
Problems of access to various investment options (financial instruments) and ignorance about the available investment avenues can be attributed as the main reasons for this in - equilibrium.
It does certainly seem that Binary Options are comparable to gambling in a significant number of ways and it is for this reason they have received a lot of criticism as trading instrument.
If there is a blocked duct, the dog will be put under anesthesia as a surgical instrument is placed into the duct in order to flush out the reason for the blockage.
While the procedure does require anesthesia as we are poking in the backs of their mouths with tickly instruments and headlamps, it is not a reason to shy away from the procedure.
Concepts of reason and nature, as much as value and money, are historical instances of such practical instruments of control.
How can the university turn a blind eye to what every historian knows to be a key instrument of modern authoritarian regimes: the capacity to dress falsehood up as truth and reject the fruits of reasoned argument, evidence and rigorous verification?
Part of the reason that de Kooning's account of 1962 has continued to dominate the scholarship on Kline is the compelling nature of this detail, which explains Kline's breakthrough as the consequence of exposure to an instrument.
(As Jung says: «Being essentially the instrument for his work, he [the artist] is subordinate to it and we have no reason for expecting him to interpret it for us.
Many scientists, including Allen and Sherwood, have long argued that temperature data were flawed for many reasons such as the change of instrument design over the years.
In 1981, my Harvard colleague, political scientist Steven Kelman surveyed Congressional staff members, and found that support and opposition to market - based environmental policy instruments was based largely on ideological grounds: Republicans, who supported the concept of economic - incentive approaches, offered as a reason the assertion that «the free market works,» or «less government intervention» is desirable, without any real awareness or understanding of the economic arguments for market - based programs.
As I understand it, McKitrick's point is that you can't make any sensible comparision between current instrument temps and the proxies unless you have reason to believe that the proxies can record high frequency changes or, I suppose, you already know that current instrument temps will remain at current levels (or maybe higher) for a very long time into the future.
Also it seems that a lot of changes have been made to the solar data due to various reasons such as different platforms and the unexpected response of the measuring instruments.
As noted in my last column here, the Uniform Act also excluded negotiable instruments, for other reasons.
She gave five reasons in particular why the scope of the exclusion clause should not be limited to the offenses outlined in Article 1 FDCT: firstly the wording refers to acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the UN and is not limited to terrorist offenses; secondly, such an interpretation would be at odds with the Geneva Convention in light of which the Qualification Directive should be interpreted; thirdly, the Qualification Directive as an instrument of asylum and humanitarian law and the FDCT are qualitatively different and derive from different areas of law; fourthly, it would unduly restrict the application of the exclusion clause and finally, fifthly, the fact that the FDCT is an instrument of variable geometry with varying application across the Union would lead to problems if it were used as criteria in defining terms for the purposes of the application of the Qualification Directive.
Many different types of actions carried out in / through cyberspace for very different reasons are conflated because they tend to rely upon the same instruments, which are seen as new and unprecedented.
Chargeback allows transactions to be reversed by you under specified circumstances such as, on account of (i) alleged forgery of the card number / bank account or other details (ii) any charge / debit made on a card that has been listed as a hot listed card or otherwise listed on the card association (Visa, MasterCard, etc.) warning bulletins (iii) duplicate processing of the transaction; or (iv) for other reasons as per applicable rules and guidelines issued by RBI, card Associations, your card / payment instrument issuing bank etc..
I read Jay Adkisson's book on Asset Protection that other folks were touting as the bible on the subject & I've got to say it is a better perspective than anything else I've read.One thing he harps on in his book is if a person uses a professional that puts out marketing materials stressing the use of the strategy for asset protection then it may get drug up by the litigator in effort to try & invalidate the instrument so that's another super exotic reason I'd be a little leery to have Tim Berry's firm tagged on my option docs.Regardless I'm convinced paying his consulting fee will be money well spent.Hopefully BP will help me gather a slightly better understanding so I ask more prudent questions when I do pony up for some hour (s) of his time.Thanks!
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