Sentences with phrase «reason or another»

In addition, an employee is also free to leave the company for reason or no reason all.
Although it made me curious if you are vegetarian for health reasons or other?
I can see wearing this top for all kinds of reasons or no reason at all.
It would have been his decision to leave, so he will have shown that for whatever reason or reasons, he would rather be somewhere else.
Regardless of whether you were fired for legitimate reasons or not, where do you go from here?
I don't mean errors in reasoning or using passive voice.
However I do think that this is not without reason or purpose.
However, we find that some dogs require a stay in a foster home for medical reasons or because a particular dog needs a quieter environment for a period of time.
That is not a good reason or justification to run around your school proving to your professors that one thing they said that one time was not right.
Anything additional or anything else is due to lack of consistency in applying reason or logic, nothing else.
Faith is believing in something for no good reasons or in other words believing in something for bad reasons.
To all who don't care to believe because of whatever reason or who are confused because of this article..
What is an atheist's reason or explanation for the existence of moral values?
Especially if you initially married for the wrong reasons or if one or both of you have personality or mental health issues.
It is poetry without subject and a journey without a destination, existing quietly and beautifully without reason or purpose.
For example, you can simply state that you are leaving for personal reasons or family reasons.
What blanket statements have I made that aren't supported by reason or evidence?
There is no logical reason or evidence as to why he should sign.
But whether you plan to keep working for financial reasons or because you enjoy your career and want to keep contributing in the marketplace, it is crucial that you become retirement - ready.
But if they always come up with reasons or plainly refuse to do so, then this is a major red flag for a scammer.
Are these valid reasons or just excuses for not engaging in the work?
To respond to adults who are unable to purchase traditional life insurance because of health reasons or other issues, there are many insurance carriers now offering «guaranteed issue» life insurance.
There is NO reason or excuse as to why the graphics don't reflect the cut - scenes!
It may be due to physical reasons, medical reasons or even work reasons.
Most of the time the main reason or cause of accidents are due to over speeding and DUI.
Giving up cooking for health reasons or simply because you're lazy?
For those who find fasting too much of a challenge for whatever reason or do not need to lose significant amounts of weight.
12 % for legal reasons or for banking reasons.
They can be right for the wrong reasons or motivations.
Parents will continue to send their students to these schools, whether for religious reasons or because they mistakenly believe school leaders are up to the task of providing a sound education.
The mass psychology of these affairs is rarely based on reason or justice; and such, I suggest, was the case here.
There are also different kinds of cancellation coverage to cover specialized instances, including having to cancel for work reasons or cancelling for any reason at all.
There isn't really any known reason or way to identify whether this condition will occur or not.
All in all, the human body does a pretty good job of assessing what reason or purpose the compounds are to be used for.
They will always give reasons or excuses that they think they will never be secured with you.
But what about people who would be denied life insurance for medical reasons or who want to avoid medical examinations?
This can include pre-existing conditions, cancel for any reason, cancel for work reasons or financial default of a travel supplier.
From start to finish, job interviews are performances, and they can be memorable for all the right reasons or for all the wrong ones.
Your supervisor might also provide specific reasons he or she feels a raise won't or can't happen now.
Anything less than that it's difficult to use reasoning or logic that includes probabilities.
The idea is to give academic researchers access to compounds that made it through safety testing but were dropped by companies for business reasons or because they didn't work on a specific disease.
There was no real reason or any event that prompted this, I just stopped liking it one day.
Maybe, there are underlying reasons or maybe they are enjoying what they are doing.
This may happen for no apparent reason or with the encouragement of the other parent.
If you have been out of the workforce for any reason, family reasons or otherwise, here are 5 things you need to know to conduct your job search these days.
And isn't to persuade to cause someone to do or believe something through reasoning or argument?
Stand out with confidence, knowing that you can stand out AND she can stand out, and you can stand out for different reasons or even the same reason.
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