Sentences with phrase «reason pump prices»

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Those sanctions now have been lifted and Iran has every reason to pump as much oil as it can, whatever the price.
On the surface, there are lots of reasons why pump prices have fluctuated so much lately.
For most working moms, I think the Medela Pump in Style Advanced (click here to check price on Amazon) by far the best breast pump for many reasPump in Style Advanced (click here to check price on Amazon) by far the best breast pump for many reaspump for many reasons.
One of the many reasons why this breast pump is that number one is for its more than reasonable and affordable price of just around $ $ $.
When ethanol prices at the pump rise for whatever reason, it becomes economically advantageous for drivers of dual - fuel vehicles to fill up with gasoline.
The basic reason: Prices remain high enough to keep pumping.
Last week we made the point that America's ongoing energy revolution is the main reason the United States is the world's leading producer of oil and natural gas — a renaissance that is reducing oil imports and benefiting consumers in the form of lower prices at the pump.
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