Sentences with phrase «reason someone exist»

A variety of reasons exist for why cash flow can be a steep challenge for small business owners.
But a plethora of reasons exist for why a freelance editor might decline your manuscript.
At that time, very good reasons existed for implementing those measures, including a risk of access to harmful information and a clear potential for danger in unregulated collaborations.
Not sure, but I can tell you, it's the only reason they exist in this movie.
The only reason they exist in the first place is to help you, so take advantage of their knowledge.
Several reasons exist why men and women are looking at internet dating to help them find somebody else.
Many reasons exist as to why divorce rates are so high today.
Several reasons exist for a dog eating what would seem to be such a poor food source.
From the art collector's perspective, numerous reasons exist for borrowing against, rather than selling, art.
But you get the impression that the real reason they exist is to provide employment, benefits and protection for it's employees.
Although the various types of auto liability insurance can be confusing, the simple reason it exists is to protect your assets when you are liable in an accident.
Just as employers have reasons why they request a salary history from candidates, reasons exist about why this is a bad practice.
Few reasons exist for an agent to show you a home that the agent has not personally looked at beforehand.
Probably multiple reasons exist for the increased rates of mental health disorders they observed in transgender veterans.
Several dozen reasons exist why somebody who did respond to your initial message would suddenly stop chatting with you, and there are equally as many ways you can handle it.
The sole reason we exist is to provide you with quality personal injury representation and to give you the legal advice you need.
A change in visitation will only be permitted if a significant reason exists for the change.
Generally, the court will split the marital property equally unless good reasons exist not to do so.
While a number of reasons exist for truck accidents, a few trends have emerged over the past few years.
There is a very good reason it exists, especially between states that don't trust each other.
This one is tough, as faith and reason exist in a rather tricky balance.
We have stood the test of time because of what we discovered three decades ago — clients are the only reason we exist.
Numerous reasons exist to offer real estate notes for money.
A couple of reasons exist for why this discount is so sizeable.
Of course her rejection letters include the usual «Your work is unfortunately outside the scope of genres I work with...» but the truth of the matter is that many other reasons exist for why manuscripts don't make the cut.
Certainly these grave reasons can exist; but the clear teaching of the magisterium is that NFP is natural only when such reasons exist.
The chicken, which is the entire reason they exist, is of poor quality and flavorless.
Many reasons exist as to why an auto insurer might decide to cancel or not renew your policy, and some of the most common ones — such as failing to pay your premium, committing fraud, or... more
For Japan, Canada and nine others, though, good economic reasons exist to proceed.
A married couple can morally choose to make use of the infertile period to avoid the conception of a child where proper reasons exist, and Humanae Vitae does spell out the nature of such reasons.
Scientism causes an extreme dualism, where the life of faith and the life of reason exist simultaneously but separately.
Jesus as a person does not exist outside the gospels and the only reason he exists there is because of their authors» faith in the Resurrection....
Although most healthcare providers worldwide do not recommend laboring for a VBAC at home, many women are choosing to have a VBAC at home rather than be forced to have a repeat cesarean when no medical reason exists.
I fancy a good number of us, when any line of action will promote our own interest, can make ourselves believe that reasons exist which compel us to it as a duty.
The only reason we exist today is because when we were developing Auditorium, we put a Donations button on our website, and people were generous enough to support it.
It's important for networks like Bitcoin and Ethereum to remain decentralized, he said, because that's the whole reason they exist.
One reason we exist here at Modern Commitment is the sheer fact that any mental health professional can legally see couples but very few are trained in couples work and the majority are neutral to pessimistic about your marriage.
One reason those existing net lease properties are attractive buys is because they have shorter terms remaining on leases compared to new sale - leaseback deals.
I read the BP core reason we exist together yesterday on the «Learn» tab and it puts it together for you and me.
We also examine each specified rule to determine whether any other reasons exist for revising or revoking the rule (e.g., changes in technology may warrant a change to the rule) or for rewriting the rule in plain language.
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