Sentences with phrase «reason someone succeed»

The sole reason I succeed in the markets is because I am patient and I trade setups that repeat themselves over and over.
One reason it succeeds so well is because of Tartt's ability to make us care about her troubled characters and hope that they find strength, and even faith, in a fallen, often brutal, world.
What's more: If a bachelor's degree leads to more income and higher homeownership rates, it stands to reason succeeding levels of education (e.g., graduate, doctorate) result in even more income and even higher homeownership rates.
«The wealthiest people in the world know it's a game, and the reason they succeed is they know it's a game.
It's not a subtle film, though the reason it succeeds has everything to do with the skill and nuance the actors playing the devil and Faust bring to the project.
But I also think that another reason they succeeded was that they took the time to look at the formula of how API was calculated.
We really believe that when we started putting together comiXology, one reason we succeeded was because there were tools that Diamond could have created that they didn't, and with all respect to Diamond, getting out that many books to that many retailers every Wednesday is a task.
I wonder if there might have been another reason he succeeded in getting lots of newsworthy anecdotes for the book.
The reason they succeed in getting their debt down to zero is because they put it first on their personal list.
Will it lost touch with the reason it succeeded.
The reason I succeeded is that the goals were obtainable and reset to meet different objectives, but one step at a time.
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