Sentences with phrase «reason someone think»

Questions about justification are certainly in order, but for a number of reasons I think these are not the right ones.
Did you know that the only reason we think butter is bad is that margarine companies taught us it was?
The main reason I think this is the case is that the $ 300 referral income does not scale with your driving.
We're the only species on the planet that for whatever reason thinks to drink another species milk.
But there are three big reasons we think something less surprising isn't a bad thing.
There are a few reasons we think our preorder prediction ended up being such a conservative estimate.
This is one of the key reasons we think the 10 - inch screen size is the minimum size required to create great tablet apps.
But for those same reasons I think it's best that I take a step back and let my body heal for a while.
It was one of most rewarding things I've ever done for myself — so here are my top five reasons I think women in similar positions should go after their education as adults.
The second reason we think we can help you is that reviewers evaluate and compare applications based on a few common principles.
-LSB-...] good reason I think, to step away.
And the very reason we think it's so important that every ingredient be listed on each and every label.
I keep trying to think if this sounds good or not and for some odd reason I think it may be very good.
For different reasons I think they are both mentally week.
It's obvious a majority of the downsides are because of what I said not whatever silly reason you think it is.
In fact - there are many reasons we think buying through us is the best.
I have a second post coming about the 5 Reasons I think cloth diapers in big box stores is bad for the community!
For some weird reason I think this phone is going to be a hit.
Continue reading for the three biggest reasons we think millennials need to start investing ASAP.
I know families where the parents have stayed married for all the wrong reasons thinking that this would be good for the kids and that doesn't work out too well either.
When I bought them they were a good fit, but for some kind of reason I think they look a bit strange on me now.
Then only reason I think 2020 is more likely is because there aren't any dev kits available, and the ps4 itself is still selling quite well.
The main reason I think was that the author seemed to use physical pain (and resulting emotional trauma) as the primary method of creating emotional connection with the reader.
Here are a few reasons we think both spouses need life insurance, regardless of whether one stays at home or both work.
Here are some of the key reasons we think that's on the cards.
Some couples will have a good marriage but for whatever reason they think that they need to search different things.
The main reason I think people buy into android is because it's cheaper than the iPhone.
The reputation of Ibrahimovic is the main reason I thought Wenger would be wary of this transfer but if Henry is right and the boss listens to him, who knows?
Ladies, I would love to hear what you think and what reasoning you think about why a lady would marry a man and then directly after take away all love and affection be bitchy even on a romantic cruise to the Bahamas come back to our new house..
Neither denial of the role of ignorance nor denial of the necessity of deconstruction is based on reasoned thinking, but rather the result of non-rational attachments and avoidance.
In a future post, I will look at the two reasons I think God does know what it is like to lose a son, and in so doing, will see that God may actually know better than we what it is like.
I am here for the same reasons I think most of us are, to have someone to share our everyday lives wth, to find my best friend and confidant.
I'm sorry you haven't made it to Hawaii yet — our fifth wedding anniversary is next year and for whatever reason I thought when we got married, that A) Five years was so far away (ohh but time flies!)
This post contains three reasons I think Christians SHOULD celebrate Halloween.
The other reason I think why I am a go - to expert is because I research this subject and refer to recent literature and quote relevant articles to support the arguments that I provide in my report.
When my wife and I told our families that we would not celebrate Christmas for the above explained reasons they all thought we were crazy.
Read on for our five reasons we think Arsenal had a better transfer window than everyone else this January...
The other reason I think Holding deserves a break is that he was one of the few Gunners to get stuck in and show fight in that difficult first half, so let's give the guy a chance shall we?
It was the late 1990's, and for some strange reason we all thought wearing dark lip liner with pale pink, tan, or purple lipstick was attractive... um yeah, moving on... Sugar Ray was on every radio station from coast to coast, and shopping via the Internet was a scary thing to do.
Here are some more reasons I think BTC is highly backed:
Justify reasons they think something should be changed to fit a lifestyle that is so obviously contradictory to God's will.
The whole reason you think Christianity is so stupid is because you haven't ever seen the way its supposed to be lived out.
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