Sentences with phrase «reasonable voice»

She is known worldwide as the practical, reasonable voice of respectful parenting.
Maintaining a strong, effective and reasonable voice for the video games industry in the media, government and political circles.
This spat has turned into a classic dialogue of the deaf, but hopefully the more reasonable voices on both sides of the debate will ultimately triumph.
I stared at the microphone for a while as a perfectly reasonable voice in my head informed me that I would not, under any circumstances, make a loud noise in a museum.
@avidcareerist A reasonable voice among the noise; a generous contributor to the career community.
Taking charge Amy Hest's latest offering, When You Meet a Bear On Broadway, is a whimsical look at a little girl who — internalizing the strong, reasonable voice of her mother — helps reunite a little lost bear with his mother.
Yet misinformation and scare tactics have ledmany good breeders to believe they are the targets of the legislation — a false notion that serves only to buoy an inhumane industry and silence more reasonable voices in the breeding community.
Conservative columnist Guy Benson described Kashuv as «a reasonable voice in pursuit of bipartisan solutions.»
The review ends on a melancholy note: «Todorov's voice is the reasonable voice of the cosmopolitan exile.
These interests dictate that scholars listen to every reasonable voice and rule out no argument unheard.
Thank you for being a rational, reasonable voice.
you're not presenting yourself as a reasonable voice in this debate.
Ed Miliband stood up, trying on his reasonable voice.
«Human beings make errors,» says Thompson, who was part of the defense team in the O. J. Simpson trial and has become — depending on your perspective — either a reasonable voice of caution about the use of DNA samples or a thorn in the side of forensics labs.
Facts, data, info, expert opinion and a reasonable voice on viruses: what they are, how they tick and the illnesses they may cause.
Soon enough, though, they find a match for the situation on Craigslist in the form of Janine (Kristen Wiig, a legitimately funny «SNL» - er), who serves as a reasonable voice to the guys» sometimes hurtful stupidity.
Facts, data, info, expert opinion and a reasonable voice on viruses: what they are, how they tick and the illnesses they may cause.
Facts, data, info, expert opinion and a reasonable voice on viruses: what they are, how they tick and the illnesses they may cause.
These reasonable voices, representing diverse perspectives, deserve to be heard.
But given the dearth of common sense in recent years, the mere fact that a growing chorus of reasonable voices can now be heard is nothing short of miraculous.
Revkin clearly wants to be seen as a reasonable voice — not one of those kooky hippie extremists shunned by the Beltway Wise Folk.
Facts, data, info, expert opinion and a reasonable voice on viruses: what they are, how they tick and the illnesses they may cause.
I have read a couple of relationship books but none are written in such a convincing, calm and reasonable voice.
Leroy Scott brings a friendly and reasonable voice to his blog, calmly helping couples through their difficulties for 15 years.
Facts, data, info, expert opinion and a reasonable voice on viruses: what they are, how they tick and the illnesses they may cause.
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