Sentences with phrase «reasonably practical alternative»

(iv) Where the court is not satisfied on the basis of the affidavit and the other evidence before it that the right to withhold inspection is established, it may: (a) conclude that the evidence does not establish a legal right to withhold inspection and order inspection; (b) order a further affidavit to deal with matters which the earlier affidavit does not cover or on which it is unsatisfactory; (c) inspect the documents (inspection should be a solution of last resort and should not be undertaken unless there is credible evidence that those claiming privilege have either misunderstood their duty, or are not to be trusted with the decision making, or there is no reasonably practical alternative); or (d) order crossexamination of a person who has sworn an affidavit (however, cross-examination may not be ordered in the case of an affidavit of documents.

Not exact matches

They are practical, reasonably priced alternatives to compact competitors.
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