Sentences with phrase «reasoning holds some water»

But neither of these reasons holds water.

Not exact matches

JeanneO, the reason you and all the other sinning non-believers hate Jesus and want to convince yourselves that he's a fairy tale is because you know your lies don't hold water and that Jesus is truth.
Likewise, he refuses to reveal his own motives for opposing gay marriage, probably because he knows his reasons don't hold water and won't stand up to scrutiny or be borne out by evidence.
So that reason doesn't totally hold water, unless the change will occur over a long period, yet Kraft says the change to 100 % arabica will be complete by year's end.
Nobody really knows what happened save for Alvarez himself, but his stated reasons do hold some water.
For this reason, almost anything that holds water and your baby fits into is a drowning hazard.
For hygiene reasons swimming pools require that babies wear suitable protection - normal suits offer no protection and ordinary diapers hold water, weighing the baby down.
The reasons put forward by Owen Paterson for the massive decline in badger numbers over such a short a period do not hold water.
It is also unjustified — none of the arguments advanced to keep them hold water and even if you believe that Bishops have something important to add to debate, that is not a sufficient reason why they should have special reserved places rather than come through the same appointments producer as anyone else.
Hi Joyce, yes, that's the psyllium - it's the main reason they raise well and don't crumble but it also seems to hold more water.
If you give your body plenty of water, it will have no reason to hold onto every drop you give it and will flush it out regularly.
Michael, I think the reason more obese people lose weight is simply due to the excess amount of water they're holding.
For a long time, there have always been a number of white women whose preference of partners lies more on the charming black men than their white counterparts, with a wide range of reasons, most being facts others fictitious but still hold water with many white women.
Some of the most common reasons people cite as their reasons, however, don't hold water.
Your reasons to explore include finding materials, opening chests that hold valuable crafting recipes and other goods, rescuing survivors, unlocking new fast travel points, and of course collecting food / water and Kuban energy from enemies.
But there are solid physical reasons to expect acceleration — the radiative imbalance is growing along with the concentrations of GHGs; we are shedding reflective ice from the cryosphere; our warming atmosphere is holding more water vapor, a potent GHG; and we are melting permafrost and frozen soils to release methane.
I see no reason not to take it as a norm and ignore various temporary deviations from it that aren't even corrected for water held in storage.
This might be reason to think (if the result holds up) that stratospheric water vapor varies with multiple inputs, not that it is unrelated to other GHGs.
However, just because a warmer atmosphere CAN hold more water vapor — where it is in equilibrium with liquid water — doesn't mean that it DOES hold more water where there is no reason to assume that equilibrium exists.
What it doesn't do is mitigate big floods — although soil structural improvements and increasing water holding increases vegetation cover and reduces sediment export — an important consideration for a number of reasons globally.
A couple of weeks after the knock - back, and for unrelated reasons, two of us went to a small workshop on water vapour held at LDEO in New Jersey, whereat we told the tale.
Emma Satyamurti, employment solicitor at Russell, Jones & Walker, said: «The reasons given for the reforms don't hold water — the employment tribunals already have powers to require a claimant to pay a deposit.»
Its reasoning for pulling a video of the Philando Castille shooting in Dallas didn't hold water, and we'll have to see whether or not there's a similar instance here.
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However, in a case like this where the reason for not supplying water is a result of an Act of God the landlord can not be held responsible for the lack of supplying the service.
2) Obviously these hold up to water, but any reason to think this wouldn't work on tile floors that will get a little more wear and tear than the shower walls?
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