Sentences with phrase «rebellion against going»

Going to university was not a natural progression from school for me; it was an act of rebellion against going to work.

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And rebellion against God can not go on for long before He steps in.
Time and time again, I talk to Christians whose experiences, like mine, go something like this: «I used to think that homosexuality was a sinful, promiscuous lifestyle that people chose in rebellion to God, and that Christians need to rally against the «gay agenda» through legislative action.
Instead, there was a pattern of ongoing, thorough - going, and persistent moral rebellion against God that went on for years — in many cases, for generations — in spite of repeated warnings by God.
Without a rallying point, it's hard to know where the rebellion against Clegg can go next.»
I've been going against that little voice which pops up in my mind too many times and I can tell you that it ended up into a real chaos for every rebellion against it.
In a pre-Fight Club time, Point Break took a stance against commercialism and the «taste death, live life» attitude of the Ex-Presidents chimed in with the rebellion going on.
So, at age forty, after a failed rebellion against Bayazid, Selim and his family went into self - imposed exile in the Crimea, north of the Black Sea.
It's been 30 years since Twisted Sister dropped their famous track, «We're Not Gon na Take It,» about teen rebellion against authoritarian parents.
In response, hardcore fans, largely organized on Reddit's Pokémon Go community, Twitter, and elsewhere, have staged an out - and - out rebellion against Niantic.
Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies represent a small rebellion to the average millennial — a chance to go against the grain and deploy their money as they see fit.
It may be a rebellion against Husband buying the kids a Wii for Christmas (which they didn't ask for but which he — and they — enjoyed immensely last night) or simply a personal yearning for less complicated days, but I went all retro with the kids» Christmas stockings this year.
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