Sentences with phrase «recalls early renaissance»

If such early works have a precisionist care in how they are painted that recalls early Renaissance painters like Pietro Lorenzetti or Domenico Veneziano, as much as they do product advertisements and packaging design from the 1920s, later works offer a bolder more sculptural approach, and suggests a whole other range of range of artists who followed Davis, including Elizabeth Murray and Al Held.
The composition of each tapestry also recalls early Renaissance religious painting, drawing us into an art historical, as well as a socio - political exploration.
In recalling early Renaissance masters, still life, anatomical studies or film noirs images, Auburtin produces objects and paintings that toy with reversible feelings like seduction and repulsion, training and perfection, luxury and death, beauty and deformity, etc... Graduated from ENSA Nancy (Fine Arts Academy of Nancy).

Not exact matches

The regal positions of some of the sitters recall Renaissance royals, and the sprawled poses of others touch on the early Modern depiction of courtesans, such as Edouard Manet's Olympia...
He went on to paint gatherings of spooky figures and animals, their intense colour and silhouetted forms recalling both Arshile Gorky and the early renaissance.
«Haworth's rigorous structure recalls late - medieval, early - Renaissance compositions - think of Piero di Cosimo, for instance....
Untitled (1964) is a work on paper in charcoal and red oil paint that recalls the structure and intervals of post and lintel architectural, and both Italian Renaissance interiors and the much earlier Roman interior wall painting of Pompeii.
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