Sentences with phrase «receive public funds because»

Yet to this day, I've never heard anyone say that these schools drain funds from Texas A&M; take the best students from the University of Texas; operate without accountability; or that students at the schools shouldn't receive public funds because of the schools» religious affiliations.
Washington State Charter Schools Association lawyers have been preparing a motion that asks justices to reconsider their Sept. 4 ruling that charters can't receive public funds because they answer to appointed officials, not elected school boards.

Not exact matches

Little public expense was involved, however, because Spitzer used campaign funds to cover most of the costs, while Pataki, in a highly controversial move, received the funding from business groups that had matters pending before the state.
As a public school, Aviation High School receives basic state education funding, but, because the school is so small, that funding does not adequately cover all the necessary operating costs and capital improvements.
Public schools expend considerable resources identifying children eligible for special services, both because they are under an obligation to provide those services and because they receive additional funds from federal and state governments if a child is identified as having a disability that affects their learning.
This is because all but one of these programs serve primarily or exclusively students with special needs, who tend to receive more educational funding in public schools, as well.
What none of these families knew at the time was that because they chose a different public school for their kids, their children would only receive three - fifths of the funding they would have had they stayed in a district school — failing or not.
The author and sponsors say that charter schools should be held to the same transparency standards as traditional schools because they receive public funding.
«Our position has always been because voucher schools receive public funding that they must comply with Title II of the ADA,» said Disability Rights Wisconsin public policy director Lisa Pugh.
State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson says schools can keep receiving state Average Daily Attendance (ADA) funding when schools close because of an emergency.
What California's Schools Can Learn From Chicago's Officials in California are still peddling the idea that the state's public - school system — which receives 40 percent of the general - fund budget, by constitutional edict — is struggling because it lacks money.
But the comparison may be misleading, it says, because states differ dramatically in the way public schools receive funds, and private revenue given to charter schools is largely absent from the national data.
«I want to thank Gov. Nathan Deal, Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle, bill sponsors Rep. Scott Hilton and Sen. Fran Millar and the Georgia General Assembly for ensuring that more Georgia students will have access to a high quality and transformative public education because the public charter schools they attend will receive a funding increase.
They did so on a novel legal theory that centered on treating private schools like public schools for disability law purposes because private schools receive public dollars via a state - funded voucher.
As NPE noted, these forms of instruction are «potentially profitable» because the schools receive the same funding per student that a standard district public or charter school would get, «while having far fewer costs for teachers, services, transportation or facilities.»
Because charter schools receive less in public funding than other public schools, it forces them to make difficult choices on how to spend their scarce dollars — and because many charter schools don't receive facilities funding, they also pay for their own buildings, which puts them at a significant financial disadvBecause charter schools receive less in public funding than other public schools, it forces them to make difficult choices on how to spend their scarce dollars — and because many charter schools don't receive facilities funding, they also pay for their own buildings, which puts them at a significant financial disadvbecause many charter schools don't receive facilities funding, they also pay for their own buildings, which puts them at a significant financial disadvantage.
Because state takeovers have been characterized by conversion of public schools into charter schools; schools unaccountable to elected boards, with little duty to report on its finances, yet they receive millions in public funds.
Charter schools agreed and added that public charter school students face additional discrimination, because they receive no facilities funding.
In Connecticut, interdistrict magnet schools receive special funding BECAUSE they are supposed to «reduce, eliminate or prevent the racial, ethnic or economic isolation of public school students while offering a high - quality curriculum that supports educational improvement.»
This inequity has lasted for 15 years and continues today, largely because New York's charter schools, unlike all other public schools, have not received funding for facilities.
The suit says New York's funding system is unconstitutional because charter students receive as little as three - fifths of what public districts receive to educate students.
The amounts aren't yet available on the website of the Virginia Public Access Project, likely because McAuliffe hasn't received any donations over $ 10,000, the threshold at which a candidate must immediately report funds.
The campaign is being launched by a group of medical and public health researchers from across the nation because while we obviously think health and medical research is vital and that public good research should receive public funding, we also believe that funding should come from a universal, progressive and fair tax.
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