Sentences with phrase «receive search engine results»

Not exact matches

Working on a team of approximately 132 other handcrafters in 26 worldwide markets, you will receive a user query, use all the available search engines to quickly scour the web for results, pick the top 10 results for this query, and send it on to the user.
Doing the same in YossarianLives, a new search engine due to launch this year, I might receive quite different results: «river», «sleep» and «prison».
Ever used PayPal for paying someone, watched a movie recommended by Netflix, or ever on a search engine typed a word wrong and still received the correct results?
Making connections through links and guest blogs will expand your network of professional contacts, increase the number of page views you receive, and put you higher in search engine results.
At iVET360, one notice we received for a client's website said if we failed to register with this company, it may «result in the cancellation of this search engine optimization domain name notification proposal notice.»
If your firm pays to show up in an advertising box on the first page when anyone searches for «New York probate attorney,» the number of people clicking on your firm's page are bound to increase, and with the increase in traffic your firm receives, the better your firm's website will be positioned for in «organic» search engine results (search results that are not advertising boxes that show up alongside the regular search results).
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