Sentences with phrase «received additional medication»

She received additional medication, which helped her to enjoy the last 20 minutes of labor.

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After the bleeding is controlled, you'll continue to receive IV fluids and medication (usually for an additional 24 hours) to help your uterus stay contracted.
Some babies receive additional HIV medication.
Participants in the control group did not receive OMTh and were not allowed to receive any additional pain relief treatment, such as medication or therapy.
Children who receive transfusions may eventually develop iron overload and need to take additional medications (iron chelation therapy) in order to remove excess iron from the body.
«Of course, when pets get vaccinations most also receive other services or are prescribed additional medications.
Besides any medications he's already receiving, your vet might recommend a few treatments to give your pet some additional quality time.
Any animal that appears painful will receive additional pain medication.
Any animal that appears painful will receive additional pain medication to go home.
Any animal that appears to be in pain will receive additional pain medication.
These comprehensive health plans were designed to help our clients proactively manage their pet's health and receive great discounts on preventive services, as well as additional discounts on all other professional services and medications, while spreading the cost of care over 12 months.
Seventy - eight percent of the children in the sample received paracetamol on 2 or more occasions; an additional 14 % received such medication only once.
On your 2nd visit for the in - clinic procedure, you will have the option to receive a medication to help you relax at no additional cost or you have the option for IV sedation at an additional cost of $ 100.
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