Sentences with phrase «recent air pollution exposure»

More recent air pollution exposure made a bigger difference on health, the study authors said.

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Exposure to high levels of air pollution increased stress hormone levels and negative metabolic changes in otherwise healthy, young adults in a recent study conducted in China.
To do that, they used a set of equations — recently updated based on the most recent epidemiological research — describing how exposure to air pollution affects a person's risk of dying from various diseases.
A recent study by Tel Aviv University researchers provides new evidence linking high exposure to air pollution to an increased risk of congenital malformations.
«Our study found more recent exposures were more important for mortality risk than historic exposures, but we need to do more work on how air pollution affects health over a person's entire lifetime.
Hansell said that more recent exposure to air pollution was more important for health than older exposure.
Our recent study published in the journal Environmental Research Letters estimated that transmitting a hybrid of renewable and coal power through 12 new high - voltage transmission lines could prevent 16,000 deaths from air pollution exposure, and avoid 340 million tons of CO2 emissions in China.
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