Sentences with phrase «recent animal study»

Recent animal studies suggest that malnourishment in the womb changes the expression of DNA in ways that can be passed down for generations.
And research backs the old adage: â $ stressed is desserts spelled backwards.â $ One recent animal study found that female monkeys chronically exposed to stress overate calorie - rich foods, unlike their calm counterparts.
Recent animal studies from Cole's group confirm the link: cortisol receptors stopped working in rhesus monkeys that were socially stressed.
Recent animal studies highlight the regulatory control of GABAergic interneurons on amygdala functioning and, thus, suggest a key role of the GABAergic system in the regulation of fear in humans.
Recent animal studies indicate that osteocalcin «increases insulin secretion and sensitivity, lowers blood glucose, and decreases visceral fat in both genders, while it enhances testosterone production by the testes in males.»
One recent animal study also showed that taking glucosamine daily after a fracture may speed up bone reformation (45).
Rosemary has been used traditionally by numerous cultures for pain relief and recent animal studies strongly suggest that rosemary leaf extracts offer a way to decrease sensitivity to pain in addition to dampening the inflammation response.
For now we'll focus on coconut oil's major component, lauric acid, and a recent animal study with dramatic results discovered for reducing hypertension (high blood pressure) and oxidative stress.
Moreover, a recent animal study at the University of Cincinnati found that if sirolimus treatment ceased immediately, wound healing was not impaired.
Recent animal studies have shown a strong relationship between elevated inflammation and the propagation of tau proteins, which are associated with AD.
Unsurprisingly, recent animal studies have shown that glyphosate can cause liver damage.
Moreover, recent animal studies have shown that DHEA does significantly boost melatonin production in the pineal gland, which regulates circadian rhythms — our sleep - wake cycles — which are often thrown out of balance by synthetic lights from the various screens we tend to be surrounded with these days.
A recent animal study found that a combination of exercise and coconut oil reduced blood pressure in rats compared with the saline control group.
In one recent animal study, researchers discovered that levels of miRNA (molecules in the brain) were altered in mice raised without gut bacteria, as compared to normal mice.
In addition to limiting the indirect effects of mitochondria on muscle growth, a recent animal study suggests that antioxidant supplements may play a more active role in limiting muscle growth (14).
Recent animal studies have suggested a link between certain types of bacteria in the gut and the propensity to obesity.
Recent animal studies have suggested a link between certain types [Read More...]
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Science Advisory Board classified perfluorinated chemicals such as perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) as likely human carcinogens in 2006, and recent animal studies have demonstrated that they affect neonatal development, hormone levels, the liver and the immune system.
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