Sentences with phrase «recent books»

This became most evident with his 2000 book Papal Sin, one of several recent books from liberal Catholics trying to argue for their brand of Catholicism by the simple (if vulgar) expedient of beating up on the reputation of Pius XII.
The vocabulary of performance is punctuating recent books in the field of preaching.
Two recent books on what may be called «environmental theology,» one rooted explicitly in the Christian tradition, the other in a kind of loose deism, reveal an oft - overlooked theme of modern environmentalism.
Like several recent books in the same vein (Thomas Eisner's For Love of Insects and Piotr Nasrecki's The Smaller Majority, for example), Attenborough's Life in the Undergrowth explicitly sets out to change the way in which people see and think about all manner of creeping things that creepeth upon the earth, as Leviticus puts it, and some that fly, too.
A clutch of recent books, including a generous collection of poems from Graywolf, her longtime publisher, seem sure to keep both her work and her life in the public eye.
First indications of Boff taking this cultural aspect more seriously are to be found in two recent books of his: Depois de 500 anos: Que Brasil queremos?
Three recent books scrutinize the $ 80 billion wedding industry.
Several recent books, e.g., Jungk's Brighter Than a Thousand Suns, take this viewpoint in blaming physicists for co-operating in work on the atomic bomb.
His two most recent books are Practical Philosophy (2009) and Reasonable Faith (2010).
Greeley's recent books, The Catholic Imagination (University of California Press), and the review was published in that journal's January / February issue.
The usual litany of private threats fills the law journals, trade papers, and recent books concerned with free expression.
His most recent books are Deep Symbols and Divine Empathy.
Her piece is entitled, «The New Atheists Loathe Religion Far Too Much to Plausibly Challenge It,» and analyses the vitriolic style in which recent books such as Dawkins's The God Delusiontreat their anti-religious subject.
One is its prominence in contemporary accounts of the question; as I write, I confront the spines of a dozen recent books bearing «self» in their titles.
Two recent books tell this story well: Philip Jenkins, The Lost History of Christianity (2008) and Robert Wilken, The First Thousand Years (2012).
I thank Brian C. Anderson for his analysis of recent books on whether markets can be blamed for the moral breakdown of modern society.
Two recent books help advance this intellectual project.
Two recent books suggest that, amidst challenges and problems, the pace of authentic Catholic renewal is accelerating in these United States.
For this, one must turn to several other recent books.
Some recent books have shown this too, such as «They Like Jesus, but not the Church» by Dan Kimball and «UnChristian» by Kinneman and Lyons.
One of the most neglected recent books on sexual difference is also one of the most important.
In several recent books, a low - income neighborhood of the South Bronx has furnished his material, and in the process he has come to know a number of its residents.
«Very few of the recent books about Pius XII and the Holocaust (writes Rabbi Dalin) are actually about Pius XII and the Holocaust.
Indeed, recent books about how best to understand theological education include proposals by both Edward Farley, in TheoIogia, and Charles Wood, in Vision and Discernment, [16] paideia as the central model quite deliberately and self - consciously.
Historical interest in missals and psalters is indicated in two recent books by Janet Backhouse, The Sherbourne Missal and Medieval Rural Life in the Luttrell Psalter.
Other recent books reinforce the importance and opportunity of the office.
My two recent books have referenced René Girard's Mimetic theory.
Nelson - Pallmeyer's Saving Christianity from Empire and three other recent books subject the idea of American empire to moral and theological reflection.
James Nuechterlein's review («Lincoln Both Great and Good,» August / September) of three recent books on Abraham Lincoln, arguably our greatest president, was excellent and on the mark except for one significant point.
There is much more packed into these two epilogues (as well as extensive bibliographical notes of recent books and articles), but these few examples give a sampling of the pleasures to be found in this new edition of Augustine of Hippo.
And perhaps I may be permitted to note two recent books of my own: Roman Pilgrimage: The Stations Churches (Basic Books), co-authored with Elizabeth Lev and my son Stephen, and Practicing Catholic: Essays Historical, Literary, Sporting, and Elegiac (Crossroad).
Jackson's memoir and other recent books don't just deliver the hard facts on football - induced brain and body damage.
My other international bestsellers include Real - Time Marketing & PR and Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead (written with HubSpot CEO Brian Halligan) and my most recent books The New Rules of Sales and Service and Marketing the Moon (written with Richard Jurek and with a foreword from Gene Cernan, the last man on the moon) are generating tremendous buzz.
Recent books and studies on the subject seem to agree.
Her most recent books are The Introvert's Way: Living a Quiet Life in a Noisy World and 100 Places in the USA Every Woman Should Go.
Just look at his most recent books Tribe of Mentors and Tools of Titans.
Our recent book, «Saving International Adoption: An Argument from Economics and Personal Experience,» explores the rationale - both real and invented - that countries use to explain curtailing foreign adoptions.
In her recent book, «WEconomy,» co-authored with philanthropists Craig and Marc Kielburger, Branson talks about the importance of building a purposeful career that allows you to make money while impacting the world around you.
While conducting research for my most recent book, «Hug Your Haters,» I found that two - thirds of consumers are more apt to trust a company when it has a mixture of positive and negative reviews.
While you probably already know Simon Sinek's famous «Start With Why» TED Talk, you may not have read his most recent book, Leaders Eat Last.
Big Macs, two Filet - O - Fish sandwiches and a chocolate milkshake for dinner, according to a recent book by campaign aides Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie.
His recent book is an attempt to clear his name and reputation, which he said was damaged as a result of his time working for Trump U.
Entrepreneur: Your recent book, One Pot, is all about making delicious meals that are easy to prepare.
His most recent book is The Parables after Jesus: Their Imaginative Receptions across Two Millennia.
As Jeff Goins says in his most recent book, «Real Artists Don't Starve:» «There is a new Renaissance that is turning starving artists into thriving artists.
She even chronicled her husband's unlikely story in her recent book, Tough Man, Tender Chicken: Business and Life Lessons from Frank Perdue.
Maybe befitting their blue - chip backgrounds, their recent book, The Support Economy, is grandly ambitious.
(Dalio went in depth into those very ideas in his recent book, «Principles: Life and Work».)
My recent book The Great Fear is one example of this.
Jones features prominently in Robbins's recent book Money: Master the Game.
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