Sentences with phrase «recent dog studies»

And although the recent dog studies are not conclusive, many researchers are hopeful that their findings will aid in selecting appropriate dogs for certain emotionally - driven tasks, such as handicap services and therapeutic needs.

Not exact matches

In a recent study from the Piglet Nutrition and Cognition Lab at the University of Illinois, 3 - and 4 - week - old piglets were given dog toys to play with.
Recent genetic studies have placed ground zero for dog domestication in Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East, South Asia or Southeast Asia.
The recent study included 31 dogs — 10 German shepherds, 11 Labrador retrievers, two golden retrievers, and eight Labrador — golden retriever mixes — suffering from the trots.
In a recent study conducted at the University of Vienna in Austria and published online in Animal Cognition, four dogs were shown simultaneously photographs depicting either landscapes or canines and trained (read: rewarded with a yummy treat when successful) to select the pix of pups.
Pictured here are two indigenous dogs that were sampled in a recent study by KTH canine genealogy authority, Peter Savolainen.
German Shepherd Dogs (GSDs) could be predisposed to health conditions such as arthritis because of the way they have been bred in recent decades, according to a new study published in the open access journal Canine Genetics and Epidemiology.
Wynne can't say for sure whether the domestication process happened at multiple villages at different times, or if it happened just once, as indicated by another recent study that looked at DNA from ancient dog fossils.
Recent studies suggest that prairie dogs possess the most sophisticated of all natural animal languages.
A recent study published in the Journal of Anthropological Archaeology in November 2017 describes recently discovered rock carvings in the Shuwaymis region of the northwestern Saudi Arabian desert, illustrating prehistoric hunting practices, using dogs as assistants.
The scholarly work on dog domestication is quite voluminous; below are listed a few of the most recent studies.
A recent study conducted out of the University of British Columbia found that dogs are particularly beneficial for stressed - out college students.
A recent study by an international team of researchers has settled an age - old argument between dog and cat enthusiasts.
A recent Mississippi State University study determined that more than five million dogs enter U.S. shelters annually.
Myth: Dogs only see in black & white Recent studies have disproven this widely accepted myth.
Recent studies are pointing towards confirming the myth that dog owners and cat owners do have differing personalities.
HABRI also commissioned a recent study conducted by Purdue University, which found that veterans with service dogs had lower levels of depression, lower social isolation and missed work less on the basis of health, compared to veterans with PTSD who did not have a service dog.
A recent study shows that almost half of dogs are overweight or obese, and local veterinarians say it's the owners that need to take control if they want to keep Fido around for years to come.
However, a recent study that tested garlic on dogs showed that it could lead to negative effects when ingested.
In a recent study, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) indicated that about 1.6 million dogs are euthanized a year by shelters.
Your veterinarian will know the most recent studies and types of chemotherapy drugs that are promising; every dog is different and every diagnosis is unique.
A recent study by researchers at the University of Lincoln in the UK found that dogs who had shock collars showed significantly more symptoms of distress.
In addition, a recent study (by Tufts University, et al) examining the circumstances surrounding 256 dog bite - related fatalities (DBRFs) in the United States found 7 major co-occurring factors:
Recent studies show that 85 % of cats and 92 % of dogs over age 3 have dental disease.
The Origins of the Domestic Dog are Challenged: It has always been suggested that the domestic dog originated in East Asia until findings from recent scientific studies that have been conducted on dogs in AfriDog are Challenged: It has always been suggested that the domestic dog originated in East Asia until findings from recent scientific studies that have been conducted on dogs in Afridog originated in East Asia until findings from recent scientific studies that have been conducted on dogs in Africa.
A recent study found improvement in seizure control when feeding dogs a diet with increased content of medium chain triglycerides.
A more recent study found a survival rate of 900 days for dogs treated with twice daily trilostane, versus 720 days for dogs treated with mitotane.
The evidence from recent studies shows that dogs trained without aversives are less aggressive than dogs trained with them.
Recent studies show that these benefits to man can also be extended well to dogs and even cats as they all basically have the same anatomic arrangement of articular structures.
In fact, recent studies show that doing temperament tests upon intake to a shelter environment are not accurate predictors of the dog's behavior in a home.
Purpose of Study: Recent studies in dogs with lymphoid cell neoplasia have demonstrated the safety and efficacy of Tanovea - CA1 ™ and have led to its conditional FDA approval.
But this latest study is just the most recent of a long line of work showing that removing a quarter of the dog's endocrine system might not be in the dog's best interest — and maybe not even in the best interests of rescues and shelters.
In a recent study from Colorado State University, researchers found, «Playing classical music appeared to calm dogs more than other music selections or no music at all.»
Answer by Labluf - Recent studies have proven over and over that pitbulls are not even in the top ten of aggressive dogs.
Jojo — Fear Aggression Case Study I'd like to recount a recent client of mine who called me about her dog Jojo, who was exhibiting severe signs of fear aggression.
We are careful to stay current on recent dog training methods, dog training news, and case studies.
Recent long - term studies have shown juvenile altering especially for some breeds (golden retrievers, labradors, German shepherd dogs) is not a good idea.
A recent study, by the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, has found that tea tree oil is toxic to both dogs and cats.
While many studies are giving dog owners cause for concern when considering whether or not to neuter their pets, a recent University of Georgia study has come out with interesting results regarding the lifespan of neutered and intact dogs.
Recent genetic studies, however, have shown that dogs descend from an extinct genus that diverged from modern - day grey wolves about 40,000 years ago.
It is also only through recent studies comparing the behaviour of dogs and hand reared wolves that we have seen how only dogs have evolved to follow a human point when looking for something or to seek human help when they can't open a box with food in it.
Recent epidemiological studies have suggested that younger, more active large breeds of dogs may be predisposed to CCL rupture.
Recent studies into dog adoption [11, 7, 12 - 13] have found breed to be associated with different outcomes, including but not limited to increased euthanasia and length of stay.
Recent results from the EPIC Study, however, show that pimobendan, when administered to dogs in stage B2 — before clinical signs of heart failure appear — succeeded in delaying the onset of CHF.
In a recent study sponsored by Zoetis of more than 400 dogs and 100 cats from 19 veterinary hospitals, newly diagnosed health problems were discovered in 36 percent of dogs and 28 percent of cats when coupling a traditional wellness visit with the PWR.
In a recent study histopathological findings in dogs with pancreatitis were highly localized, suggesting that even if multiple biopsies are being collected, pancreatic inflammation, especially in cases of chronic pancreatitis, may be easily missed.
Recent studies have shown that between 25 % and 40 % of dogs in the United States are overweight.
The No Kill Advocacy Center argues that appreciably less than one percent of dogs with worrisome behaviors are beyond our current ability to rehabilitate, pointing to recent studies and to the beliefs of practiced shelter directors.
Lockwood, who has studied wolves in the wild and canine attacks on humans and animals for 15 years, said the recent publicity about dog attacks has put a spotlight on the pit bull, a generic term for several breeds developed in England as fighting animals.
The American Veterinary Medical Foundation conducts a study every five years on the ownership and veterinary care of cats and dogs.The most recent study, conducted in 2011 and surveying more than 50,000 pet owners, found that 44.9 percent of cat owners and 18.7 percent of dog owners did not bring their pet to the vet in 2011.
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