Sentences with phrase «recent interventions»

Plaid Cymru called on the government to avoid aligning itself with supporters of military action, warning that recent interventions in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere had not been successes, however.
The ERG's most recent intervention on Thursday saw Rees - Mogg give a speech in which he called for a fundamental change in the approach of Theresa May's Brexit negotiation team, saying: «Their approach seems to be that we must accept what the EU will allow us to do and build from there.
Recent interventions by defence secretary Michael Fallon and transport supremo Patrick McLoughlin have helped to check Cabinet tension.
He can thank recent interventions from the PCS and Unite for that one.
López Paniagua lectures internationally, with recent interventions at institutions such as Bard College, NYU, MOCAD and 21er Haus.
The previous failure of BFST to demonstrate a significant impact on diabetes - related treatment adherence in the context of a randomized controlled trial (RCT) stimulated Wysocki and colleagues» most recent intervention research that is reported in this issue.
This explains recent interventions on childcare, adoption, criminalisation of forced marriage and tough action on the sexualisation of kids.
April 20, 2018 - However, recent intervention randomised trials have shown that this potential prevention strategy is ineffective.
«Three phases of intervention» In its Application, Georgia submits that Russia's recent intervention in South Ossetia and Abkhazia, which began on 8 August 2008, is the third phase of intervention in violation of Russia's obligations under the CERD.
The findings suggest that recent interventions from Blair and Mandelson in the general election campaign have gone down badly with voters.
Poloz's recent interventions on fiscal policy have been instructive.
The Treasury did not designate China as a currency manipulator in its recent currency report because it found that China's recent interventions were not problematic, he said.
And, don't forget, a significant number of younger Britons have also fallen off the electoral register in recent months (hence Nicky Morgan's recent intervention to try and ensure that those young voters who are still on the register turn out.)
Goldsmith repeatedly raised the recent intervention by Transport for London, in which they claimed that Khan's fares freeze would actually cost # 1.9 billion, a much higher figure than that estimated by Khan.
One clue was Len McCluskey's recent intervention in The Guardian.
George Osborne's recent intervention, at the Treasury Select Committee on 4 November, suggesting that the MPC should do more QE seems to have had the opposite effect.
ECOWAS has earned plaudits for its recent intervention in the Gambia to uphold the will of the Gambian people in the December 01 elections.
He urged Labour MPs to unite behind his leadership, and blamed a combination of the importance of the nuclear industry in Copeland, the aftermath of the Brexit vote, last summer's Labour leadership contest, and recent interventions from Tony Blair and Peter Mandelson for the defeat.
While faulting former military dictator Ibrahim Babangida's recent intervention in the Boko Haram crisis, he argued that the ex-dictator ought to have spoken before then.
In a recent intervention at Northwestern by Nicole M. Stephens and her colleagues, some first - year students attended a panel in which other students discussed their experiences by drawing attention to difference (the experimental group)-- in this case, their status as first - generation college students.
Navajo Uranium Operations: Early Hazards and Recent Interventions, Harold Tso and Lora M. Shields, April 10 - 14, 1980.
And that is why civil rights groups are now more supportive of accountability than they were a decade ago, as the recent intervention of the Connecticut chapter of the NAACP against that state's lawsuit demonstrates.
This publication documents the artist's recent intervention in the Gaza Strip, and explores it in the context of her larger Destroyed House and Archive series.
On November 14, Altmayer will turn SOLO SHOWS into the Casa do Corpo Nu, a nudist location to narrate legends around Vivacqua, and present documentation from his recent intervention on the island.
I gather from your remark of the current cheapness of fossil methane that you're looking at the US prices; here in Europe they're much higher, and the recent intervention in Ukraine's politics has people very concerned over Russian gas supplies reaching us next winter.
«The recent intervention by the law society to tell them what they must teach and the particular things specified by the law society are halting and reversing that process.»
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